This list is a sampling of the kinds of courses offered through the Chemistry department curriculum. Not all courses shown here will be offered every semester. For a complete list of currently available courses, students may log into their account on Student Center.
Please note that students intending to take General Chemistry courses (Chem 107/108) must take a placement exam. General Chemistry is a required course for Chemistry majors and for some other science majors. For more information about the placement test, please review the Chemistry Placement Exam webpage.
Study of fundamental chemical principles focusing on properties of matter and theories of chemical bonding, atomic and molecular structure and chemical reactions. This material will be taught through the lens of a specific theme and highlight applications to convey how chemistry is used to resolve current questions in science. Laboratory experiments are designed to offer a hands-on familiarity with the principles discussed in the lectures. Fall semester. Three class hours and one laboratory. Students registering for CHEM 107 must take the Chemistry Placement Exam.
Study of fundamental chemical principles focusing on properties of matter and theories of chemical bonding, atomic and molecular structure and chemical reactions. This material will be taught through the lens of a specific theme and highlight applications to convey how chemistry is used to resolve current questions in science. Laboratory experiments are designed to offer a hands-on familiarity with the principles discussed in the lectures. This is a more intensive version of CHEM-107, designed for students with a limited background in chemistry. Fall semester. Three class hours, one discussion hour, and one laboratory. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Students registering for CHEM 107 – I must take the Chemistry Placement Exam.
Covers the fundamental principles of chemical reactivity, including kinetics, equilibrium, electrochemistry and thermodynamics. This material will be taught through the lens of a specific theme and highlight applications to convey how chemistry is used to resolve current questions in science. Laboratory work is designed to illustrate and complement materials discussed in class. Spring semester. Three class hours and one laboratory. Prerequisite: CHEM 107 or CHEM 107 – I.
Covers the fundamental principles of chemical reactivity, including kinetics, equilibrium, electrochemistry and thermodynamics. This material will be taught through the lens of a specific theme and highlight applications to convey how chemistry is used to resolve current questions in science. Laboratory work is designed to illustrate and complement materials discussed in class. This is a more intensive version of CHEM-108, designed for students with a limited background in chemistry. Three class hours, one discussion hour, and one laboratory. Spring semester. Prerequisite: CHEM 107 or CHEM 107 – I and permission of instructor
Study of the fundamental concepts of the chemistry of carbon compounds, with emphasis on molecular structure, stereochemistry, and the application of spectroscopy to the structure of organic compounds. The reactivity of organohalides, alkenes, and aromatic molecules is discussed. Three class hours, one lab discussion hour, and one laboratory. Fall semester. Prerequisite: CHEM 108.
Continuation of Chemistry 203 with an emphasis on the reactivity of carbonyl compounds, cyclic compounds, and biological molecules such as amino acids, carbohydrates, and peptides. Strategies for design of multistep chemical syntheses are also discussed. Three class hours, one lab discussion hour, and one laboratory. Spring Semester. Prerequisite: CHEM 203.
Understanding the different subfields of chemistry and the implications of each of those fields on society. This course covers topics ranging from historical development of the field to the medical, environmental, and industrial applications of chemistry on modern society. The laboratory is focused on problem-solving—students refine their hands-on skills, develop independence, and design experiments—and culminates in an independent project. Three class hours and one laboratory. Spring semester. Prerequisite: CHEM 203; Recommended co-requisite CHEM 204.
The course is designed to provide a basic familiarity with the most common techniques used in structural biology and their applications to challenging biochemical, biotechnology and medical problems. Course focuses on current state-of-the-art biophysical methods that are being applied to study structure and function of biological macromolecules and biological systems with a focus on the most informative methods, such as X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, and single molecule techniques. Theoretical underpinnings and the practical applications are covered. Three class hours. Spring semester. Prerequisite: CHEM 108, or either PHYS 110 or PHYS 211, or permission from the instructor
Quarter credit internship graded S/U. Students must consult with faculty member with whom they are interested in working prior to the semester they enroll in CHEM 290. Fall and Spring semesters. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Study of the principles of classical and statistical thermodynamics and chemical kinetics as applied to the states of matter, chemical reactions and equilibria using lectures, readings, problems, discussions, and laboratory exercises. Computers are used as a tool for solving problems and for the analysis of experimental data. Fall semester. Three class hours, and one discussion hour. Fall semester. Prerequisites: CHEM 108, PHYS 110, and MATH 112 or permission of instructor.
Introduction to theories of quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, and molecular reaction dynamics, and their application to chemical systems through the use of problems, lectures, readings, discussions, and laboratory investigations. Three class hours, and one discussion hour. Spring semester. Prerequisites: CHEM 108, PHYS 110, and MATH 211 or permission of instructor.
Introduction to biophysical chemistry, with emphasis on thermodynamics, hydrodynamics, and spectroscopy using lectures, readings, problems, and discussions. Both theoretical underpinnings and the practical applications of commonly used experimental and computational techniques are covered. Three class hours, one discussion hour. Prerequisites: CHEM 108, PHYS 110, and MATH 112; or permission of instructor. CHEM 307 and BMB 307 are cross-listed.
Study of chemical analysis by use of modern instruments. Topics include complex equilibria, electroanalytical methods, quantitative spectroscopy, chromatography, and other chemical analysis methods. Analytical techniques will be studied from both a chemical and an instrumental point of view. The laboratory stresses quantitative analytical procedures and includes an independent project. Three class hours and one laboratory. Fall semester. Prerequisite: CHEM 108
Synthesis, properties, and characterization of materials. Topics include mechanical, electrical, and optical properties, synthesis and fabrication of materials including semiconductors and nanoparticles, surface chemistry, surface sensitive spectroscopies, electron and probe microscopies, and applications of these materials in advanced technology. Three class hours. Spring semester.
Detailed study of the structure and function of macromolecules and macromolecular assemblies as they pertain to living organisms. Topics include the structure and chemistry of proteins; the mechanisms and kinetics of enzyme catalyzed reactions; and the structure, chemistry, and functions of carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and biological membranes. Classic and modern bioanalytical methods are emphasized. Fall semester. Prerequisite: CHEM 204. Three class hours and one laboratory. CHEM 333 and BMB 333 are cross-listed.
Detailed survey of the primary and secondary metabolic processes in living cells. Topics discussed include the overall organization of metabolic pathways, carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism, biological oxidation and reduction and energy production. Special attention is given to regulation, hormone action, metabolic disorders and disease. Laboratory work includes an independent research project. Three class hours and one laboratory. Spring semester. Capstone course for Biology majors. Prerequisite: CHEM 204. Biology majors -- BIOL 212 and CHEM 204, or permission of the instructor. BIO 334, BMB 334, and CHEM 334, are cross-listed.
Study of synthetic, mechanistic, and theoretical concepts in organic chemistry. Particular emphasis is on the study of methods used to determine organic reaction mechanisms, stereospecific reactions, pericyclic reactions, and the design of multistep syntheses of complex molecules. Three class hours. Fall semester. Prerequisite: CHEM 204.
Upper-level chemistry laboratory course emphasizing analytical techniques and integrating concepts and methods from at least two of the following: biochemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry. Students undertake in-depth research projects to solve complex problems using approaches across chemical disciplines. Skills including literature searching, experimental design, implementation of research plans, and data analysis are highlighted, and the projects culminate in oral and written presentations. Lab only course, meets two afternoons per week. Pre-requisite: Chemistry 204.
Upper-level chemistry laboratory course emphasizing analytical techniques and integrating concepts and methods from at least two of the following: biochemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry. Students undertake in-depth research projects to solve complex problems using approaches across chemical disciplines. Skills including literature searching, experimental design, implementation of research plans, and data analysis are highlighted, and the projects culminate in oral and written presentations. Lab only course, meets two afternoons per week. Pre-requisite: Chemistry 204.
Upper-level chemistry laboratory course emphasizing analytical techniques and integrating concepts and methods from at least two of the following: biochemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry. Students undertake in-depth research projects to solve complex problems using approaches across chemical disciplines. Skills including literature searching, experimental design, implementation of research plans, and data analysis are highlighted, and the projects culminate in oral and written presentations. Lab only course, meets two afternoons per week. Pre-requisite: Chemistry 204.
Upper-level chemistry laboratory course emphasizing analytical techniques and integrating concepts and methods from at least two of the following: biochemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry. Students undertake in-depth research projects to solve complex problems using approaches across chemical disciplines. Skills including literature searching, experimental design, implementation of research plans, and data analysis are highlighted, and the projects culminate in oral and written presentations. Lab only course, meets two afternoons per week. Pre-requisite: Chemistry 204.
Combined upper-level chemistry and physics lab designed to emphasize the use of tools in these disciplines to answer questions in biology. This course concentrates on the role of lipids (fats) and ions (salt) in biology. Utilizing multiple biochemical and biophysical techniques, students will perform multiple experiments to ultimately answer a complex biological problem. Two laboratories. Spring semester. Prerequisite: CHEM 108 and either PHY 110 or PHY 211, or permission from the instructor.
Combined upper-level biology and chemistry laboratory where students design and synthesize organic compounds and determine the impact of structural modifications on these compounds’ biological activity. The semester is divided into two parts: the synthesis, isolation, and characterization of a derivative of a known, biologically active organic compound; and the assessment of its biological activity using in vivo disease models. Two laboratories. Spring semester. Prerequisite: CHEM 204 and BIO 211 or permission of the instructor.
Study of group theory, coordination chemistry, and organometallic chemistry. Topics include symmetry, molecular orbitals, crystal and ligand field theories, electronic transitions, catalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, and will highlight the work of inorganic chemists from traditionally underserved populations Spring semester. Prerequisite: CHEM 204
Senior research seminar for all Chemistry majors and for BMB majors doing research in the Chemistry Department. Students perform independent research projects, present their results in oral presentations, compose a senior thesis, critique their classmates’ and their own work, and take part in literature discussions. A student who plans to receive credit for independent research supervised in the Chemistry Department as part of the Chemistry or BMB major should register for this course in the spring semester of the senior year. Spring semester.
Individualized tutorial counting toward the minimum requirements in a major or minor, graded A-F
Individualized tutorial counting toward the minimum requirements in a major or minor, graded S/U
Individualized tutorial not counting in the minimum requirements in a major or minor, graded A-F
Individualized tutorial not counting in the minimum requirements in a major or minor, graded S/U
Independent investigation in an area of mutual interest to the student and faculty director. Project normally includes both a literature and a laboratory study. An oral report to staff and students and a final written thesis are required. A student wishing to enroll in this course should consult with the faculty director at least two weeks before the end of the semester preceding the semester in which this course is to be taken. Open to junior and senior chemistry majors. Offered both semesters.
Individualized research counting toward the minimum requirements in a major or minor, graded S/U
Individualized research not counting in the minimum requirements in a major or minor, graded A-F
Individualized research not counting in the minimum requirements in a major or minor graded S/U
Funded eight to ten week independent investigation in an area of mutual interest to the student and research director. Project normally includes both a literature and a laboratory study. Oral reports to staff and students and a final written thesis are required. Students wishing to enroll should consult with a chemistry department faculty member early in the spring semester.
Internship counting toward the minimum requirements in a major or minor, graded A-F
Internship counting toward the minimum requirements in a major or minor, graded S/U
Internship not counting in the minimum requirements in a major or minor, graded A-F
Internship not counting in the minimum requirements in a major or minor, graded S/U
Summer Internship graded A-F, counting in the minimum requirements for a major or minor only with written permission filed in the Registrar's Office.
Summer Internship graded S/U, counting in the minimum requirements for a major or minor only with written permission filed in the Registrar's Office