In May of 1957, the Faculty approved in principle an Honor Code and accepted in fact a Constitution for the Honor Code at Gettysburg College. With these measures, the Faculty delegated to the Honor Commission responsibility for the regulation of student academic conduct. The final responsibility for the regulation of student conduct remains with the Faculty. The current version of the Honor Code is the result of substantial revision approved by the Faculty, Honor Commission, and Student Senate in 2006.
The Gettysburg College Honor Code articulates the relationship between our shared values of honesty and integrity and our mission as an institution devoted to learning and the pursuit of knowledge. In short, this mission depends on trust and trust requires honesty and integrity. The entire College community is enjoined to actively support our principles of honesty and integrity as summarized in the Gettysburg College Pledge:
I affirm that I will uphold the highest principles of honesty and integrity in all my endeavors at Gettysburg College and foster an atmosphere of mutual respect within and beyond the classroom.
For information about responsibilities to support the principles of the Honor Code and information about procedures for addressing breaches of the Honor Code, students should consult the full text of the Honor Code and the summary in the next section or at the following website: