Arabic Language

The Interdisciplinary Studies Program at Gettysburg College offers Arabic language courses at the elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels.

Arabic 101 and 102 include elements of understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Arabic. Arabic 201 and 202 stress practice in oral and written expression, grammar review, readings, and discussions of writing in Arabic. In Arabic 301 and 302, careful attention is paid to all four language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing in addition to culture. Significant stress will be placed on vocabulary expansion, particularly during the second half of the course.

Course Goals for ARB 101 & 102, Elementary Arabic

This level aims at developing and advancing four language skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. The Objectives of each skill are as follows:

By the end of this level, students will be able to:

  1. Recognize and produce sounds accurately.
  2. Understand the recorded listening exercises and drills on connecting letters, dictation, reading and writing in the text book Ahlan Wa Sahlan
  3. Talk about simple daily life situations; e.g. students will be able to introduce themselves and others, talk about their families, use short conventions of ordering food and drinks, etc.
  4. Respond to simple instructions as part of pair work or group work etc.
  5. Read and understand basic words, phrases, sentences, simple paragraphs and advertisements.
  6. Write short notes, memos and fill out applications (e.g. arrival and departure forms at the airport, job and university applications, etc.)

Course Goals for ARB 201 & 202, Intermediate Arabic

The goal of this level is to increase the student's knowledge of the Arabic language and culture via a communicative-based approach, meaning that though the students will be expected to learn grammatical structures emphasis will be placed on the functional usage of the language and on communication in context.

By the end of this level, students will be able to:

  1. Talk about simple daily life situations; e.g. students will be able to describe people, places, and common objects, tell time and indicate location, and talk about daily activities and your likes and dislikes, respond to instructions as part of pair work or group work, etc.
  2. Comprehend audio and video conversations by native speakers in which greetings, common phrases, and basic vocabulary corresponding to aspects of Arabic culture are used.
  3. Intensive listening for the purpose of understanding details.
  4. Read and fully comprehend the texts the text book Ahlan Wa Sahlan.
  5. Guess the meaning of new words from the context.
  6. Write in detail on familiar topics such as personal information, likes and dislikes, daily routine, etc.

Gettysburg’s proximity to Washington, D.C. and other metropolitan areas makes it possible occasionally to invite guest lecturers into the classroom.

If you wish to request an evaluation for placement or have other questions about courses, please email IDS Academic Administrative Assistant Lin Myers at

Middle East and Islamic Studies