
Academic Year 2017-2018


This project worked with Alpha Phi Omega and the senior center to educate the Gettysburg College campus on the issue of homelessness. A fundraiser was organized using tables at the College Union Building to help homeless individuals.

Peace and Justice Week

The first peace and justice week was coordinated on campus to raise awareness of the minor on campus and to promote dialogue regarding how peace can be achieved on campus and beyond. The week enabled students to engage with a variety of platforms to discuss their wishes for peace and to attend various events that made them more aware of the social injustices in our world.

Students with Learning Disabilities

This project was focused on raising awareness for students with learning disabilities and to gain more students’ support for this issue. The project consisted of meeting with the administration to ensure sustainability and create more substantial goals for improvement.

Student Accessibility Services at Gettysburg College

Through discussions with neurodivergent students and learning about disability services at other colleges, this project created a blueprint for a Student Accessibility Office to better support neurodivergent students on campus.

Sh*t Sharing

Boxes for gently used clothes and items were placed in residence halls allowing students to donate and take items they desired. This reduced waste as well as gave others free and anonymous access to those items.

Environmental Sustainability

With a goal to reduce waste and encourage more sustainable waste management, this project created a plan to order reusable containers to be used at the Bullet Hole and the Dive on campus.

Building Bridges

Through research and interviews, this project focused on the history of diversity and inclusion at Gettysburg College by highlighting the people and offices that have helped to make Gettysburg a more diverse and welcoming place.

Walkout: Gettysburg Against Gun Violence

This was an organized demonstration against gun violence and advocated for stricter gun laws through an intersectional lens. The demonstration included student speakers, a moment of silence, and a call to action.

American Minstrel Tradition

This project created an educational website which was built around the history and social implications of American minstrel tradition to critique aspects of minstrelsy and provide discussion questions for further inquiry.

Academic Year 2018-2019

The People Project

This project created opportunities for people to share their stories and to have their voices heard through a staged reading performance. The goal was to create empathy and understanding through storytelling.

Black History in Adams County

This project created a digital tool to increase access to key records pertaining to Adams County’s Black community. Specifically centered on Lincoln Cemetery and the over 225 unmarked Black graves there, this project gathered documentary evidence to identify the graves.

GRAB Kayaking

This project created a GRAB Kayaking trip that was centered around peace and justice. The goal of the trip was to facilitate conversation about diversity and inclusion on Gettysburg College’s campus.

The Impact of Students of Marginalized Identities in the Art Department

This project held a demonstration in the Schmucker Gallery to showcase the impact students of marginalized identities have by representing the art department and sharing their talent with the Gettysburg community.

Build Change

This project created a digital campaign for the NGO Build Change that entered the social feeds and inboxes of hundreds, resulting in increased donor engagement and exposure for the NGO.

Ending Plastic Straw Use

This project aimed to end plastic straw use at Commons and the Bullet Hole at Gettysburg College because of their negative effects on the environment.

Toiletry Bags for the Homeless

This project raised money through bake sales in order to make toiletry bags that were donated to the Adams County shelter for the homeless.

Panel on NATO-US Relations

This project hosted a panel of three guests and a moderator on the topic of international security alliances, with each speaker bringing a different view about how alliances might help to further the goals of peace and justice on an international level.

Political Science Research Conference

This project organized and hosted a student research conference on behalf of the national political science honorary society, Pi Sigma Alpha, where students were able to present their own research through a peace and justice lens.

The Reporting Initiative

This was an educational program focused on the process of reporting sexual misconduct with a goal of increasing reporting and promoting conversation about stigma surrounding sexual assault.

Economics, the Environment, and Colonialism

This project was a lecture and discussion about colonization in Africa, specifically focusing on trophy hunting and the environmental effects of colonization such as the depletion of African natural resources.

Sexual Assault on Campus

This project built an education program to raise awareness about scholarship concerning sexual assault and build connections between previously disconnected groups of students. The program laid the groundwork for the “Not in Our House” campaign for Greek organizations.

Advocating for Students with Learning Differences

This project focused on raising awareness for students with learning differences on campus and creating meaningful conversations among students and faculty on campus in order to gain better infrastructure to better support neurodivergent students in the future.

Educational Resources in Nepal

This project was an application to the Davis Peace Project for the summer of 2019 to provide books, computer resources, and a scholarship fund for students in the area using the project’s budget. The application was accepted, and the students were approved to work in Nepal for two months.

Children’s Art Workshop in Nepal

This project created an art workshop for kids in Nepal with an emphasis on Nepali culture. After the workshop, the art was taken to the Children’s Art Museum of Nepal where an exhibit was created so that the children could see their art on display.

Face to Face

This project was a comparative art gallery exhibit focused on the representations of indigenous cultures by American artist Andy Warhol and First Nations artist Carl Beam.

The Bandana Project

This project consisted of making bandanas for the Southern Law Poverty Center because women farm workers use bandanas as a way to hide their gender from others to prevent being sexually assaulted or harassed.

Reproductive Health Issues in Senegal

This project worked on implementation strategies against female genital mutilation as well as juvenile malnutrition within rural regions of Senegal using social network analysis.

Women’s Rights Under Attack: Fighting Back in 2018

This was an organized panel with two powerful women who volunteered to tell their moving stories about overcoming adversity and using their voice to help empower women and make a change in how our world sees feminist issues.

Immersion Project to Morocco

This project consisted of leading an Immersion Project to Morocco about Women’s Rights and Islam.

Discussion on Health Care

This project hosted a discussion regarding universal healthcare for members of the disabled community where this student interned.

Machismo and Women in Latin America

This project was through an internship with Maki y Pakariñan, a non-profit organization in Cuenca, Ecuador. The project focused on the effect women have on the community tourism and artisan industries, specifically in light of machismo which is especially prevalent in rural indigenous and mestizo communities.

Spanish-Speaking Initiatives in El Centro

This project, in coordination with the El Centro program, incorporated a Spanish-speaking emphasis for the children who take part in the program to encourage them to hold onto their roots and use Spanish in the public sphere.

Share a Shirt

This program was dedicated to gathering donated clothing for a women’s shelter that houses families fleeing from domestic violence by creating campus drop boxes for collection.

F*M*N*ST: A Musical for Social Change

This project was a thirty-minute musical focused on the struggles that some women face in the music industry. Focusing on the power men hold over women in the music industry, this project consisted of research to write and record songs that’s reflected the inequality women in music face.

Terrorism, Intervention, and Security Panel

This project consisted of multiple panels in collaboration with the Eisenhower Institute to bring scholars to campus for discussions on refugees, security, and terrorism to better educate the community on such political discourse.

He For She Discussion

This project involved helping to facilitate a discussion for HeForShe, a United Nations initiative to get men and people of all genders to stand in solidarity with women to create a united force for gender equality.

Hygiene Product Drive

This project was a donation drive for Survivors Inc. in Gettysburg to collect hygiene products and cleaning supplies. The drive encouraged students to realize how easy it was to make donations and help the community.

Gettysburg Activist Artists Circle

This project created a space that allowed writers and artists to share their experiences, creations, and ideas related to peace and justice, social progress, and activism.

Queer Shabbat

This was a planned Shabbat celebration that integrated the experience of queer Jewish individuals. It highlighted the experience of queer Jewish leaders and incorporated readings from a Queer Synagogue into the traditional Shabbat readings and experience.

Policy Letter to Mayor de Blasio

This project was a letter written to Mayor de Blasio about issues with housing in New York. A multifaceted strategy targeting affordable housing and new public housing complexes to target the housing crisis was researched and presented in the letter.

Community Conversations

This project created a club that connected high school students and college students to engage in critical conversations about controversial topics and issues of injustice to spread awareness and engage younger students in issues of justice.

Climate Change Attic Event

This project hosted an event in the Attic at Gettysburg College highlighting how climate change will affect the United States in different regions. The event consisted of informational activities, a presentation, and a game centered on understanding the impact of climate change where participants lived.

Survivors Inc. Concert

This project was a concert and informational session focused on spreading information about sexual harassment and assault in partnership with Upscale and Survivors Inc.

LGBTQ Pages on Chinese Wikipedia

This project consisted of being a volunteer editor for Wikipedia pages in Chinese focused on sexual minorities to increase access to knowledge and spread information.

Academic Year 2019-2020

Quarantine Stories

This project consisted of documenting the thoughts and impacts of quarantine on the individuals in this student’s community through socially distanced interviews.

Painted Turtle Farm

This project involved a student becoming a summer coordinator at Gettysburg College’s Painted Turtle Farm, a farm that grows vegetables to support the local community and local immigrant families to create connections with the Gettysburg community and educate about food and sustainability.

Resources for Music Education during Remote Learning

This project created a website containing resources for music education majors including topics such as project-based learning, teaching diverse learners, music education philosophy, and more to help music teachers think critically, even during remote learning.

The Brown Nipple Collective

This project co-founded The Collective to create a space for women of color to gather and converse about important issues. The goal was to bridge the gap between different groups that exist on campus and create a space for all women to be respected and supported as they continue in their Gettysburg careers.

Latinx House

This project consisted of creating a Latinx House on campus as a part of the theme housing options at Gettysburg College to create a safe space for Latinx individuals to live together and gather.

Partnership for Afterschool Education

This project consisted of serving as a summer teaching fellow through the Partnership for Afterschool Education and working with South Bronx United, a nonprofit organization that uses soccer to engage immigrant and first-generation youth in the South Bronx community.

Project Hope Mentor

This project consisted of becoming a mentor for a mentee in Project Hope, a program that connects children in the foster care system with a mentor.

The Butterfly Coalition

This project created the Butterfly Coalition, an organization that serves the immigrant community, especially those that are undocumented, both on and off campus to help create a space of hope and support.

Interfaith Social Night

This project held a social night between the Newman Association and Hillel Association with a goal of increasing communication and dialogue between various faith groups.

She Leads: A Discussion on the Intersection of Gender and Leadership

This was a workshop led through the Garthwait Leadership Center to bring awareness to a variety of stereotypes and barriers that particularly impact women in the workplace and positions of power.

Internship with Observatory Against Sexual Harassment

This project consisted of interning with the research team at the Observatory Against Sexual Harassment in Chile to generate information regarding sexual harassment and make scientific materials on this issue available to the public.


This project consisted of being a part of the planning committee for CONAPP, a completely undergraduate student run conference that brings in students from across North America to engage them in reflection, discussion, and praxis of pertinent issues.

Newman Association and the Gettysburg Community

This project highlighted the ways the Newman Association has connected with the greater Gettysburg community through an annual fundraiser called the simple supper and the continued efforts with the South Central Community Action Program. With this relationship, the officers of the Newman Association have stressed the understanding of why these events were occurring.

Environmental Sustainability Initiatives on Campus

This project consisted of working for the facilities office as the sustainability intern and helping with many different sustainability projects such as the Give It Up for Good Sale and the College Green Book while learning about the major environmental issues at the college.

Living in Our Community

This project consisted of leading the Monologue show that is a part of First Year Student Orientation and changing the script to ensure the stories being told were still relevant and important to campus life. The goal of the show is to promote safety to incoming students and present available resources.

Big Brothers Big Sisters

This project consisted of taking on a little sister through the Big Brothers Big Sisters program in Gettysburg, building her confidence and encouraging her to pursue change-making leadership positions.

Phoenix Rising

This project created Phoenix Rising, an advocacy-based club and support group for students on campus who are neurodivergent or have other issues that make learning more difficult.

Indigenous People of Norway

This project was a virtual presentation, discussion, and movie screening about the Sami people in Norway, raising awareness and educating others on the history of this Norwegian Indigenous group.

Women in College

This project was a documentary consisting of interviews with faculty, administration, and students at Gettysburg College to highlight the female presence on campus and the challenges faced.

The Gender Gap of Gettysburg’s Recreational Adventure Board

After noticing a gender difference within Gettysburg Recreational Adventure Board activities, this project organized and ran an affinity program women’s trip that aimed to provide a space to discuss gender issues in the outdoor environment.

South Central Community Action Program

This project consisted of volunteering with the Work Ready program, which provides individuals with tools on how to become a productive working member in the community. It taught individuals to overcome barriers and maintain employment.

Academic Year 2020-2021

Addressing Accessibility at Gettysburg College

This student focused on addressing the lack of accessibility at Gettysburg College, particularly in buildings that did not comply with ADA requirements. The project entailed facilitated discussions over how to make Gettysburg College a more inclusive place for people with disabilities and how to commit to such changes.

A Third Wellness Day

For this project, a student collaborated with two other students to create a petition calling for a third wellness day in the Spring 2021 semester. They advocated for better support and reprieve for their fellow students.

Refugee Healthcare in Argentina

This student volunteered with the Red Cross in Buenos Aires to provide healthcare services and first aid training for refugees from Venezuela. The project was geared toward improving the experiences of migrants and refugees.

Room To Read

For this project, the student reinvigorated the local chapter of Room to Read they had co-established as a high schooler, focusing on engaging middle and high schoolers to create sustainability for the chapter. Room to Read is dedicated to providing education and increasing literacy among women and girls.

Digital Humanities Fellowship

This project consisted of a student who used their digital humanities fellowship with Musselman Library to create a website devoted to debunking propagandized myths about leftism, particularly through literature and social media content.

Social Justice in Sororities

For this project, a student created a social justice committee in her time as president of her sorority. The committee works to provide education to sorority members as well as the greater community about the historical privilege of sororities and ways in which change can happen.

Values in the COVID-19 Pandemic

For their project, this student worked with their professor to philosophically evaluate global values and civil rights in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Intersectionality in Musicology

For this project, a music student researched intersectionality and feminism in the patronage of women like Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge in the world of classical music. She concluded the research with a presentation at her recital.

Balloon a Brother, Soak a Sister

For this project, the student helped create a philanthropy event to raise money and awareness about autism. The event allowed the campus community to come together in an energetic environment to learn about autism.

Psychiatric Patient Aide

This student worked as a psychiatric patient aid to patients suffering from addiction or mental health crises in the emergency room at a local hospital. Working directly with patients from all different backgrounds allowed them to expand their communication skills and practice non-violent reactive care.

Pronoun Presentation Training

After noticing a lack of training for residence life staff surrounding pronouns and LGBTQIA+ allyship, this student took it upon themselves to provide training each year while also searching for a permanent LGBTQIA+ Life director for Gettysburg College.

Big Brothers Big Sisters

This student volunteered with Big Brother Big Sister throughout college, working with the program to mentor youth, raise money, and coordinate events to engage the community.

Menstrual Products Collection Drive

For this project, a student worked with a group of fellow students to coordinate a collection drive of pads and tampons for the South Central Community Action Programs (SCAAP), later developing the Menstrual Manifesto to bring greater awareness to period inequality.

Xenophobia: The Creation of a Country

During their time abroad in Berlin, this student studied the impact of immigration on the overall diversity of Germany. This project encompassed questions surrounding the very nature of borders and perceptions of human movement.

Education on Visual Impairment

For this project, a student gave a presentation to her sorority about the realities experienced by those within the blind and visually impaired community. The presentation led to greater understanding of their philanthropy organization, which works to provide education opportunities for blind and visually impaired people.

Volunteering with Back2Blue

For this project, a student volunteered with the Back2Blue campaign in an effort to elect more progressive leaders. Working as the Lead Volunteer for her community, this student coordinated other volunteers who wanted to help elect more progressive leadership.

Nuclear Power in the Navajo Nation

This student did a research project on the prevalence of uranium mining on Navajo lands to fuel nuclear warfare, focusing on the lack of adequate cleanup and safety precautions that endanger the lives of Navajo people. At the end of the research project, the student wrote a story using victim accounts to demonstrate the high risk of a nuclear disaster in Navajo communities.

Gettysburg College Land Acknowledgement Statement

As part of Students for Indigenous Awareness, this student helped draft the land acknowledgement statement to be used by the Gettysburg College community. The statement helps educate the community on the historical significance of the area while acknowledging the Indigenous people whose land our campus is on.

Peace and Justice Studies Council Leadership

This student served as the president and vice president of the Peace and Justice Studies Council. During their time on the council, they helped coordinate j-term courses, recruit more students to the minor, and created other programming.

Inclusivity Training for Admissions Tour Guides

For their project, this student worked with a small group of other students to implement training for admissions tour guides that encourages them to speak honestly about the need for diversity on campus. The students aimed to change the way diversity at Gettysburg College is advertised so that the community is encouraged to create deeper change.

Student Research for the Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Task Force

This student volunteered as a student researcher for the Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Task Force to provide foundational information for the task force in their efforts to create a safer campus environment.

Growing Indigenous Crops at Painted Turtle Farm

For their project, this student worked with the Center for Public Service and Students for Indigenous Awareness to grow the Three Sisters (corn, beans, and squash) at the Painted Turtle Farm. In doing this, they provided an additional source of historical education for the community and a source of food security.

Queer Ecology in Gettysburg

This student wrote their senior honors thesis on the concept of right relationship between people and land, focusing specifically on Gettysburg and the battlefield. Emphasizing scholarship in the field of queer ecological studies in tandem with personal narratives, this student wrote two long-form essays on the subject.

Voting Rights and Education

This student created a club on campus called the Voting Rights Education and Voter Registration Organization (VREVRO) to increase civil literacy within the campus community.

Mobilizing Voter Registration

For their project, this student volunteered to register voters for the 2020 election and help them vote early.

Domestic Violence Education Series

For their project, this student invited a guest speaker to lead discussions about domestic violence with two student groups.

Discussing U.S. Foreign Policy

As a fellow with the Eisenhower Institute, this student created a panel to discuss the consequences of U.S. foreign policy during the cold war era. The panel led to a discussion about the role of world powers in maintaining or rebuilding peace after war, including by taking accountability.

Discourse on Social Justice and Structural Oppression

For this project, a student created dialogue spaces for their peers of all backgrounds to allow for discourse on social justice, racial discrimination, and ways in which we can live in peace. They aimed to create understanding by allowing each person to feel heard and validated in their opinions.

Center for Education Reform

As part of an internship, this student created resources for parents to learn about education inequality and the overall accessibility of quality education in their communities. The interactive national index provided transparency and accessibility for many parents seeking greater educational opportunities for their children, as well as encouraged communities to advocate for higher quality education in their communities.

Screening of Milk

For their project, this student hosted a virtual screening of the film Milk followed by a discussion on LGBT issues and representation in government.

Can Jam

As part of a philanthropy effort to support the Gettysburg Food Bank, this student coordinated a campus event wherein people donated money and canned food in an engaging setting.

Documentary Club Film Discussions

This student founded a club that provided a weekly space for community members to watch a documentary-style film about a social justice issue followed by discussion.

Remote Study and Marginalized Students

For their project, this student conducted an ethnographic research project focusing on the ways in which the college’s decision to move to remote learning in the Fall of 2020 impacted marginalized student communities.

BIPOC Women Authors

For their project, this student worked with Musselman Library to create a list of books written by BIPOC women authors. The list was made accessible on the library website and several of the books were slated for purchase by the library.

Academic Year 2021-2022

Serving High School Students in San Diego, California

This student worked with first-gen, low-income, and/or minority high school students in the San Diego area and assisted them many through the financial aid process, improving their academic resumes, the college application process, and adjusting to cultural changes that come with attending college.

Black Women and the Legal System

This student focused on observing black women in Law, specifically the intersection between race and law/legal system. This project seeks to understand how peace and justice are defined legally whilst being transparent about what peace and justice has and continues to look like for the Black identity and specifically Black Womxn litigators both in and outside the bounds of law.

What is imposter syndrome?

This project focuses on the imposter syndrome, and how it is so prevalent among students and accomplished individuals, specifically women, gender minorities and ethnic minorities.

Clothing Drive

This project arose out of the need to help the community of Gettysburg through the local homeless shelter as there were going to be clothes that college students returning home for the summer no longer needed. The student organized a clothing drive between the ATO fraternity and the ADPI sorority to repurpose the clothes and prevent creating waste for the college.

Knowledge on Affirmative Action

For this project, the student decided to create a survey in which respondents would answer a series of questions revolving around the definition, implementation, and the future of affirmative action within the US education system and beyond. I decided to create this survey in order to better understand the wider community’s knowledge of affirmative action and to educate those who were unsure, or outright ignorant, of the true objective behind affirmative action.

Adressing Sexual Assault Issues on Campus

In this project the negative impact of sexual assault on our campus was recognized and it was attempted to mitigate it with stronger education programs. One of the main suggestions in terms of structure was a curriculum that targeted the stage of life that each student was at. For example, content would address Greek life more intensely at the beginning of Sophomore year and address entering the workforce at the beginning of Senior year.

Constructing a Pollinator Garden

This student converted an empty plot of land on campus into a pollinator garden. She planted a large patch of milkweed alongside the Painted Turtle Farm and coordinated a seed drive, collected donations to fund the purchase of a memorial bench in honor of her grandfather, organized volunteers to help with planting, and worked closely with people from the development office, the biology department, facilities services, the alumni board, the center for public service, and more to continually advance the project.

Tend the Trails

This project was an effort to heal the trails of state and national parks through the cleanup of human trash from trails and campsites. The student would bring a trash bag on hikes and fill it with the trash he found along the trails. He would also specifically alter his routes to include campgrounds, trail shelters, and parking lots, as those areas often have larger concentrations of trash.

Academic Year 2022-2023

Implications of the history of redlining in the United States

This project involved thorough research on the history of redlining in the United States, along with modern implications and legacy effects of redlining on communities today. Since much of the research highlighted how these previously segregated communities have more impervious surfaces, more mental/physical health concerns, and less biodiversity, I decided to answer the research question: Do redlined communities have lower butterfly diversity?

Academic Year 2023-2024

Gettysburg College and Indigenous People

This student combined her fellowship from the Center for Public Service and decided to examine the history of Gettysburg College, specifically looking at the connection and intersectionality of Gettysburg College’s history with Native Americans and Indigenous peoples.

Nanjing Massacre Video

The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the historical reality of the Nanjing

Massacre by producing a video about the Nanjing Massacre committed by Japan in China during World War II, showing the viewers some concrete historical details and visual evidence.

Critical teaching methods with a focus on Social Justice Topics

This project is about using critical teaching methods in schools and about promoting peace and fairness. Through a presentation, this student taught students and teachers to question unfair systems and talk about issues like human rights and discrimination, while working towards a more peaceful and just world.

Relation Between income, education and, political participation

In this project, the student utilized his research and past literature to extend the conversation on how income and education affect the ability of individuals in Latin America to participate politically.

Bridge to Belonging

For her project, this student worked with a non-profit called “Sevilla Acoge” while studying abroad in Seville, Spain. She spoke to the director of “Sevilla Acoge” and became the translator for English teachers during her months in Spain. She facilitated the translation between lawyers and the people seeking help as well as teaching two sections of English courses per week.

Helping families adjust to the Gettysburg community

This student took her background and her love for teaching to help an immigrant family, the Nasari’s adjust to life in the United States and Gettysburg. Through ESL lessons, arts and crafts, Sonic the Hedgehog movies, and preparing Tukhum-Bonjan, a traditional Afghanistan dish, the Nasari family and Nosimat became closer as the weeks passed. She also learned several Farci and Pashtu words. And would greet them with "As-salamu alaykum" in the morning before class.

Sexual Assault Awareness

This project was meant to create more access to services for those who experience all forms of sexual assault. This student decided to have student representatives from Greek organizations that will help ease the process for those who go through sexual assault and deter others from engaging in this activity.

Functional Library at Gettysburg College

This project involved implementing a functional library at Gettysburg College. Over the last two years, the student worked on the physical organization of the library and introduced the cataloging system, Follett Destiny. The implementation of a functional library opens the door to educational opportunities for the students at Vida Charter School.

Protest Music Listening

This student hosted a protest music listening and discussion session, since protest music is written as a way of trying to attain justice, and justice was a major theme of the discussion.