PhD University of Oxford, Merton College, 2017
BS University of California, Los Angeles, 2011
Academic Focus
Plasma Physics, High Energy Density Physics, Laboratory Astrophysics
Courses Taught
An introduction to the physical basis of music and sound production. Topics include the mechanical and sonic characteristics of common musical instruments, room acoustics, human perception of sound, and the mechanics of the human ear. Special emphasis is placed on how fundamental concepts from math and physics (vibrations and waves, logarithmic measurement scales, the Fourier Series, frequency spectra) explain many of the aspects of how music is produced and perceived. Does not count toward the physics major; appropriate course for non-science majors. Three class hours and three laboratory hours.
An introduction to modern physics and thermodynamics: Continuation of the special theory of relativity; introductory principles of quantum physics; applications in atomic, nuclear, and particle physics; and an introduction to thermodynamics. Differential and integral calculus is introduced and used. Prerequisites: Physics 111 and Math 111, which may be taken concurrently, or permission of instructor. Four class hours and three laboratory hours. Prospective physics majors or students interested in dual-degree engineering. Open to first-year students; sophomore students interested in the physics major may enroll with permission of instructor.
Intermediate course in electromagnetism, including vector fields and vector calculus, electrostatic field theory, dielectrics, magnetic phenomena, fields in matter, Maxwell's equations, Laplace's equation and boundary value problems, and electromagnetic waves. Prerequisites: Physics 211 and Physics 255. Three class hours.
Intermediate treatment of modern optics and laser physics. Topics include radiometry and optical detector technology, geometric optics and human vision, electromagnetic theory of light, interference, polarization, coherence, holography, fundamentals of laser operations, laser spectroscopy and other contemporary laser applications. Prerequisites: Physics 211 and Math 211 or permission of instructor. Three class hours and six laboratory hours.