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Statistical Research Center
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Research is an underpinning of physics and physics students have a wealth of online information available to learn more about the discipline and its goals and opportunities.
- The American Astronomical Society provides information on journals, jobs and grants.
- The American Institute of Physics offers a cornucopia of information on careers, graduate schools, and the history of physics, as well as links to its software, newsletters, journals, and magazines, including Physics Today, statistics on education and employment, and an Employer Listing page. AIP's e-Updates offers a service to help you keep abreast of the latest data on education and employment in physics and related fields. Another service of AIP is http://www.gradschoolshopper.com/!
- The American Physical Society has a guide to various physics resources, including Physics Central.
- Argonne National Laboratory is one of the U.S. Department of Energy's largest energy research centers.
- The Astronomical Society of Harrisburg lists club sites, as well as many web links to astronomy resources.
- Astronomical Society of the Pacific offers an abundance of information from their catalog and Mercury magazine, along with a compilation of web resources.
- The Australian Academy of Science has articles, media reports and links to other sites, including its own NOVA, science in the news.
- CareerBliss offers a behind the scenes glimpse of thousands of companies, including salary ranges and job reviews written by former employees.
- CERN: The European Laboratory for Particle Physics (the acronym comes from the earlier French title "Conseil European pour la Recherché Nucleaire") offers access to its laboratories, conferences, activities and news releases.
- Chronicle of Higher Education offers link, information, and a career network for jobs in and out of academe.
- Clark-MXR, Inc. is dedicated to the development and manufacture of ultrafast solid-state laser systems and diagnostics."
- Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications (COMAP) works to create learning environments where mathematics is used to investigate and model real issues.
- Contemporary Physics Education Project (CPEP) offers introductory interactive tours of the inner workings of the atom and on-line fusion "courses," including The Particle Adventure.
- CSIRO Atmospheric Research conducts research into weather, climate and atmospheric pollution.
- The Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration (EIA) offers data on fuels, energy groups and Energy Topics, linking readers to its most recent annual and monthly energy reviews.
- European Southern Observatory, (ESO) is supported by eight countries - Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland - and was created in 1962 with the aim of advocating and organizing collaboration in astronomy.
- Fermilab, site of world's most powerful particle accelerator, has lots of information on hundreds of physics subjects, including the top quark.
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics offers links to other Web sites, as well as its own images, employment and educational opportunities, and current sky information.
- ITT is a pioneering developer of visual data analysis software, offering the IDL, ENVI, and Visible Human CD software packages and information on employment.
- The Job Resource offers students a chance to post their resumes online.
- NovoResume is an online resume builder with tips and templates.
- MacTutor offers biographies on such scholars as Galileo, Newton, Einstein, and Feynman, as well as a wealth of information on mathematics, the language of physics.
- MIT offers The Net Advance of Physics, review articles and tutorials in an encyclopaedic format.
- The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) offers a wealth of Web sites, including Mars Pathfinder.
- The National Institute for Science Education (NISE) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison seeks to transform the way science, mathematics, engineering, and technology (SMET) are taught.
- National Institute of Science and Technology includes information on job opportunities.
- National Science Foundation , which supports many education projects, including Gettysburg College's Project CLEAand RPI's Project Links.
- Nature Magazine, an international weekly journal, presents an equally wide variety of topics to choose from, including news updates for the general reader, job opportunities around the world, and articles from all areas of science, including quantum mechanics.
- Nine Planets provides an overview of the history, mythology and current scientific knowledge of each of the planets and their moons.
- Nobel Foundation lists winners in each category, along with information on essays, archives, and other prizes.
- Nobel Laureates in Physics (Stanford University) offers biographical information on extraordinary women and men of science.
- Oak Ridge is a Department of Energy multi-program laboratory managed by Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
- The Optical Society of America (OSA) presents information on optics and photonics research, applications, and industry news, as well as links to other web sites and information on employment and Congressional fellowships.
- PBS's Frontline posts readings, interviews, maps, charts, FAQs, and its collection of "nuclear links."
- The Periodic Table (courtesy of Dr. Mark Winter of the University of Sheffield) is available online.
- Physics Today (AIP) is a good "career network" site; news, bulletins and a job bank.
- Physicsweb, from the Institute of Physics, is valuable resource for physics projects, demonstrations, journals, discussion groups, and frequently asked questions.
- Proliferation News and Resources features news from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
- schoolSTAFF.com includes information on employment networking for those interested in the field of education.
- Science Application International Corporation - This is a placement service, but you can apply for jobs directly.
- Scientific American discusses everything from diabetes to fiber optics
- Sky & Telescope from Sky Publishing helps students explore the universe with its online magazine, news bulletins, and tips for backyard astronomers.
- Smithsonian’s Air & Space Museum has information on educational programs, exhibits, news and events, as well as links to online resources.
- Space Telescope Science Institute, operated for NASA by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA) offers a wealth of space exploration information and incredible pictures taken by the Hubble Telescope.
- The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) provides access to information on the government's full-scope effort to develop technologies and analysis algorithms for monitoring the comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty, as well as links to other Web sites such as the U.S. Bureau of Arms Control.
- The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the International Atomic Energy Agency web sites include information on nuclear materials and reactors, as well as radioactive protection and waste.
- U.S. Naval Observatory is responsible for determining the positions and motions of the Earth, sun, moon, planets, stars and other celestial objects, as well determining precise time, measuring the Earth’s rotation, and maintaining the Master Clock for the United States.
- USAJobs is the Federal Government's web site for open positions; it includes “professional” and “entry level professional” links. Many jobs are posted here, and it is updated everyday.