Team building

Working in groups is challenging - we are here to help.

Many groups request team building services from our team. We can support your organization, department, athletic team or company needs through our Group Development Program.

The Group Development Program provides customized workshops to support individual and group leadership development. Workshops are participatory, focused on helping your group achieve its potential and are led by highly trained staff members. Some common outcomes from our programs whether they are held in a classroom or on the Challenge Course:

  • Maximize team member engagement.
  • Increase participation towards problem solving.
  • Resolve communication challenges.
  • Realize the strengths of your members.
  • Have more fun working together.

We offer fully customized team building workshops developed through a collaborative design process. Here are some example workshops that we offer.

Complete this form to request a workshop.

We train students how to lead groups through our Group Facilitation Fellowship program.

Questions? Contact our team at