DEIB Strategic Plan

Musselman Library DEIB Strategic Plan, 2024-2027

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Committee
May 2024

A PDF document of this plan is available for download.


Musselman Library approved its second Inclusion Action Plan in December 2020, for implementation in 2021–2024. To stay abreast of changing needs, the DEIB Committee has collaborated on an updated Diversity, Equality, Inclusion, and Belonging Strategic plan, which addresses what we see as the most pressing issues now and in the upcoming years.

The decision to create a new plan is based on changes at Gettysburg College, including a new Chief Diversity Officer and new institutional priorities and programs, as well as decreases in budget, staffing, enrollment, and tuition revenues.

Our focus will be on three strategic areas, as determined by a library staff survey that identified organizational needs and priorities. These are library accessibility; student belonging; and student wellbeing and satisfaction. Our aspirations for each are defined in terms of three S.M.A.R.T. goals—goals which are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely.

While building on existing ideals and practices, these focus areas address issues requiring more concentrated effort from us. They are not limited to the parameters of the present plan but are simply a more articulated and intentional version of the work we do every day.

Focus Area 1: Library Accessibility

Students have many different physical and cognitive requirements. We need to continue expanding access in visual guidance, physical space, and research support.

Goal 1: Improve signage accessibility

We will conduct an inventory and review of all library signage, adopt new accessibility standards (e.g., color contrast, font size, plain language, Braille), and update all signage accordingly.

Summer 2025

Goal 2: Assistive technology

We will identify, in consultation with the Assistant Dean for Student Accessibility, the emerging assistive technologies of greatest value to our students; educate staff on the technology; and promote it to students.


Goal 3: Research support and materials accesibility

We will conduct an accessibility review of our 3rd party digital content platforms, identify non-compliant databases, and use the results to make collection decisions and negotiate future contracts.


Focus Area 2: Student Belonging

All students should know that the library is here for their education and enjoyment. They should feel equally welcome and included in what the library is and what it does.

Goal 1: Data collection to inform future actions

We will partner with IT on Measuring Information Service Outcomes (MISO) for the next survey administration and assess perceptions of use and satisfaction among library users to make data-driven decisions for outreach and services.


Goal 2: Collaborations with student groups

We will conduct targeted outreach to student-led clubs and organizations to collaborate on programming that will deepen a sense of community, belonging, and ownership of the library.


Goal 3: Infuse belonging strategies into marketing

We will employ strategic branding to unify different means of welcoming students and emphasizing that the library is a place where they all belong.


Focus Area 3: Student Wellbeing and Satisfaction

We must consider how to make the library a more amenable environment for students. The values of “wellbeing” and “satisfaction” imply, for those who study here, options for comfort and environment; for those who work here, means of extending their learning beyond their employment.

Goal 1: Career opportunities

We will collaborate with academic departments and programs (e.g., Public History, Museum Studies) to offer 1-2 exploration workshops geared towards underrepresented students, highlighting career paths in galleries, libraries, archives, and museums.


Goal 2: Student employee experience

We will work to further integrate student employees into overall staff culture; improve student employee satisfaction (e.g., workspace comfort and accessibility, community-building opportunities); and solicit feedback via an anonymous survey.


Goal 3: Library space for wellbeing

We will complete a comprehensive review of common areas (e.g., accessibility audits, use observations, head counts) focusing on lighting, sound levels, and access to study spaces both private and collaborative. This will include consideration of Browsing Room use; the main and lower levels; the possibility of space for meditation and religious observance; and creating stimulation-free spaces.
