Following our annual Servo Thanksgiving tradition, our students reflected on what they were thankful for while attending Gettysburg College. Here were the most popular responses:

1. Their lifelong friends
Many Gettysburg College students said they viewed their friends like family. The connections made here last a lifetime. Read student testimonials on how they got involved and made connections through their activities across campus.

2. The strong interdisciplinary education
With its breadth and depth, the liberal arts and sciences education that Gettysburg College offers allows many students to discover academic interests they would have never found otherwise. Here, you can create your own path—or even your own major.

3. The supportive professors
Gettysburg students enjoy how approachable their professors are, as both academic and personal mentors. Our first-class faculty love what they do, and in turn, they share that excitement for new thinking and discovery with their students.

4. The number of available opportunities
No matter your interests, Gettysburg students love being active and involved. With more than 800 on-campus events and 120-plus clubs and organizations, you will find your niche here. There’s an event for everyone every weekend, hosted by athletics, the Office of Student Activities and Greek Life (OSAGL), the academic departments, and more.

5. The multitude of resources
Located in the College Union Building, students can find the Center for Career Engagement, the Center for Student Success, and the Garthwait Leadership Center, among other offices. No matter the challenges students might face, Gettysburg College ensures it provides everyone the resources they need to be successful.

6. The nationally ranked food
Being ranked No. 15 by the Princeton Review for “Best Campus Food,” it’s no surprise Gettysburg students listed the delicious food as one of the things they were most thankful for. Whether it be the freshly baked cookies from Servo or stone oven-cooked pizza at the Bullet Hole, students always have a variety of food options on campus with meal plans that meet varied needs. Watch our TikTok series “College Eats” to get a closer look at Gettysburg College food.

7. Its world-famous location
Gettysburg College is located in the historic town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where the Battle of Gettysburg, the turning point of the Civil War, took place in 1863. Students honor the history of this land during our long-standing tradition, the First-Year Walk, walking to the National Cemetery to hear a recitation of President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.

8. The architecture, both historic and state-of-the-art
Students can’t get enough of the beautiful campus where they live. While walking through campus, one can expect to see students sitting in bright green grass or lounging on the Adirondack chairs around campus. The architecture adds to the beauty with its variety of styles ranging from Glatfelter’s historic castle-like appearance to the Jaeger Center’s state-of-the-art glass tower.

9. The weather—and sunsets over campus
With the College located in the mid-Atlantic, students get to enjoy the full range of the four seasons. From the vibrant autumn leaves to dustings of snow, from foggy mornings to rainy afternoons, the ever-changing and constantly evolving weather of Gettysburg never fails to awe. Check out our Instagram for beautiful photos captured on campus.

10. All the cute dogs, cats, and more!
Gettysburg College allows students to bring Emotional Support Animals (ESA) to campus as needed. Many students feel having their ESA allows them to perform better in school, and the broader community is thankful to have furry friends to greet them every day. Learn how our pets boost human wellness.
Read how Gettysburg College students give thanks through the annual tradition of Servo Thanksgiving.
By Helen O’Neill
Photos by Miranda Harple, Hang Lian, and Shawna Sherrell
Posted: 11/21/22