Immersion Projects
What is an Immersion Project?
Immersion Projects are off-campus, educational opportunities at sites in the United States and abroad which take place over Winter Break, Spring Break, and in May. Students spend the weeks prior to travel learning about the community and its history. Students then travel to sites ranging from Nicaragua to Morocco and from Alabama to New York City, where they immerse themselves in a the community. Each project seeks to foster a dialogue between the students and the host community around issues of social justice. By working alongside community leaders and sharing their stories, students learn about themselves and the world. Students find Immersion Projects to be exciting and powerful educational experiences.
Become an Immersion Project Leader
Being a Immersion Project Leaders gives students the opportunity to lead their peers in a transformative educational experience that includes both shaping the pre-trip curriculum to prepare students for the experience, and leading participants on the trip itself. Applications to be a Project Leader are due February 16. Full details on the responsibilities of the position and required training dates can be found in the link above. To apply, submit your resume and a cover letter on Handshake.
Register for an Immersion Project
Register to participate in one of our Immersion Projects! Winter Break registration opens on Wednesday, August 28, 2024. Spring Break registration opens on Wednesday, October 16, 2024.
Financial Award Information
Financial Awards are available to help offset the cost of an Immersion Project and ensure that all projects are accessible to students.
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