On each trip, our site partners, Project Leaders, and Project Mentors will be available for help in medical emergencies. Emergencies will be handled with due urgency and care. Project Leaders will have a small, simple first aid kit, contingency funds, and medical information about each participant. We take every reasonable precaution to ensure the health and safety of all participants.
In case of an extreme emergency back home, family members may contact students through the Center for Public Service office. Expect at least one day to make necessary arrangements for any emergency return to Gettysburg, plus travel time. An emergency return may incur additional costs to the participant which are beyond our control.
In the event of an emergency, use the following contact numbers.
717-337-6490 Center for Public Service, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
717-337-6911 Department of Public Safety, 24 hours per day, 7 days a week
Medical Evacuation and Repatriation Insurance
All Gettysburg College students traveling on an Immersion Project are covered under the College’s medical evacuation and repatriation travel insurance. This insurance does not replace the student's primary insurance policy, but will cover certain emergency services when traveling, such as the need for evacuation. Students and parents are welcome to examine the details of the policy.
For International Immersion Projects
Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)
The Center for Public Service will register each student traveling internationally on an Immersion Project in the STEP Program. This program is a free service provided by the U.S. government to U.S. citizens who are traveling to, or living in, a foreign country. STEP provides users with travel warnings and alerts, and allows users to receive routine information from the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate.
US State Department Travel Warnings
The Center for Public Service monitors State Department Warnings and Alerts to all countries where we send students. If there is a Travel Warning to a country where an Immersion Project is scheduled to travel, we will make a carefully informed decision as to whether to continue with the Project, and communicate our decision along with information about the warning to all participants on the trip.
If a student wishes to participate on an Immersion Project to a country under a Travel Warning, Gettysburg College requires the student and family to sign a secondary waiver acknowledging and accepting these additional risks prior to departure.
We will make all participants on international Immersion Projects aware of what recommendations the Centers for Disease Control make for travel to those countries during orientation. However, participants are responsible to consult with their doctor about these recommendations and make informed decisions. You can see the CDC's recommendations for each country by searching the destination country on the CDC website.
It is preferable to plan to receive your immunizations well in advance of your departure. Many immunizations are given in stages. For example, you might require a series of shots over several months to acquire full coverage.