On this page:
The JCCTL supports creative teaching, innovative pedagogy, and professional development through its grants, workshops, and professional development opportunities. The JCCTL seeks to encourage all who teach at Gettysburg College to focus on student engagement and active learning by incorporating research on effective teaching strategies and pedagogical approaches into their practice.
These opportunities are open to full-time and part-time faculty. Full-time faculty include those on the tenure track, those with tenure, lecturers, and visiting faculty. Part-time faculty must plan to use the funding during the semester(s) that they are employed by the College. Administrators who teach or who regularly work with faculty may be eligible to apply but per College policy cannot receive stipends.
Please contact the JCCTL office for details.
Deadlines: Rolling
Upon submitting your application, you will receive an email acknowledgement of receipt within two business days. If you do not hear from us within that timeframe, please follow up with an email to jcctl@gettysburg.edu.
Time Allotment
You can expect a funding decision within approximately three weeks if you submit your proposal while classes are in session. It is important that you inform us of your intent to submit a proposal outside of this timeframe as soon as you can.
Reporting Requirement
Recipients of a JCCTL fellowship or grant will submit a brief written report at the conclusion of their project and should be willing to present on their work in appropriate on-campus venues.
Grants to Individuals
Johnson Creative Teaching Summer Grant
Funding |
$2,500 |
Application due date |
Rolling |
Who is eligible? |
Faculty |
The Creative Teaching Summer Grant provides support up to $2,500 for labor-intensive teaching projects that are best undertaken in the summer (June 1 - Sept. 1) rather than during the school year. These funds may be used for materials, supplies, travel related to the project, conference attendance, or for a student assistant to work part-time on the project over the summer. Meals are not funded unless incorporated in a conference registration fee. Please provide a detailed budget in your application, including funds contributed by the department or other cost sharing. Be sure to include requested RPG funds including the amount requested or received and what component of the project it is funding. JCCTL and the Provost are in communication to determine optimal funding to applicants.
Please note that student assistants must be hired and paid according to the guidelines posted on the Center for Career Engagement.
Center for Career Engagement Website
Grant Application Please submit your application to jcctl@gettysburg.edu.
Grant Report
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Johnson Teaching Grant
Funding |
Up to $1,500 |
Funding is for… |
Range of appropriate expenses |
Application due date |
Rolling |
Who is eligible? |
Course Instructors |
The Johnson Teaching Grant provides support up to $1,500 for the development of innovative and creative teaching projects designed to benefit one or more specific courses taught by the applicant.
Applicants may request reimbursement for a range of expenses, such as conference or workshop attendance, training in the use of new technologies or equipment, travel to museums or other venues as part of course development, hiring a student assistant, purchasing hardware or software, or other direct costs of the project.
If you are thinking of requesting hardware or software, you must consult with Educational Technology/IT. Contact Kelli Murphy (kmurphy@gettysburg.edu) before submitting the application. All hardware or software purchases are one time only; the JCCTL will not fund subscriptions, upgrades, or continuing costs.
Provide a description of your project, its significance for your teaching, and a detailed budget using the application form. You will also need a letter of endorsement from your chair (please see application for details).
Grant Application Please submit your application to jcctl@gettysburg.edu.
Grant Report
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Grants Offered in Collaboration with Musselman Library
Digital Literacy Assignment Grant
Funding |
$750 stipend |
Funding is for… |
Stipend |
Application due date |
Rolling |
Who is eligible? |
Faculty |
The Johnson Digital Literacy Assignment Grant is designed for faculty who wish to enhance a course to include a digital literacy assignment. The assignment should allow students to explore the ways that digital tools can be an effective part of the research process and the presentation of research results. The assignment may be a new one or a reworking of an existing one. Its design and assessment must connect directly to a student learning outcome for the course that addresses the value of digital literacy.
Applicants are required to schedule a consultation with R.C. Miessler, Digital Initiatives Librarian, prior to applying. If the assignment will include an extensive research component, we recommend you also include your department’s librarian liaison as part of the consultation process. The grant provides a $750 stipend and up to two grants are awarded each year.
Contact R.C. Miessler, Digital Initiatives Librarian
Grant Application Please submit your application to jcctl@gettysburg.edu.
Grant Report
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Johnson Information Literacy Grant
Funding |
$1,500 stipend |
Funding is for… |
Stipend |
Application due date |
Rolling |
Who is eligible? |
Faculty |
The Johnson Information Literacy Grant is designed for faculty members who will (re)design a course to include an emphasis on library-related student research. This program provides the grant recipient with a $1,500 stipend and the opportunity to collaborate deeply with a librarian in order to infuse an entire course with information literacy and research skills. Research strategies should be integrated with academic content and sequenced throughout the semester to allow students to learn, reinforce, and master these important skills. The grant is open to courses offered during the fall semester at all levels. Prior to submission, applicants must discuss projects with a librarian in the Research & Instruction Department at Musselman Library. Applications from all disciplines are encouraged.
Grant Application Please submit your application to jcctl@gettysburg.edu.
Grant Report
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Johnson Teaching with Special Collections Grant
Funding |
$1,500 stipend (up to two grants/year) |
Funding is for… |
Stipend |
Application due date |
Rolling |
Who is eligible? |
Faculty of 100-200 level courses |
The Johnson Teaching with Special Collections Grant is designed for faculty members who wish to enhance a 100- or 200-level course or First-Year Seminar to include using archival or primary sources for student assignments. Assignments must be based on the resources (primary sources, staff, or physical space) of Special Collections. The grant provides a $1,500 stipend for the recipient to collaborate closely with an archivist or Special Collections librarian. Up to two grants are awarded each year.
The grant provides dedicated time with Special Collections staff and collections for faculty to create assignments that enable students to identify and evaluate primary sources, engage in archival research, develop critical and analytical thinking, and integrate primary and secondary sources within a research-based assignment.
Visit the Special Collections website
Grant Application Please submit your application to jcctl@gettysburg.edu.
Grant Report
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Open Educational Resources (OER) Grant
Funding |
Up to $1,500 stipend |
Funding is for… |
Stipend |
Application due date |
Rolling |
Who is eligible? |
Faculty |
Project Type |
Award |
Example |
Adopt – Adopt an existing open textbook and rework your course design around it |
$750 |
Replace a commercial textbook with an OER |
Zero-Cost Course Conversion – Convert required course materials list so that the course is free to students (may include OER, library-licensed resources, and other free-to-student resources) |
$750 |
Replace a commercial textbook or online homework system with zero-cost alternatives, which may or may not be openly licensed |
Remix – Create a custom textbook (or course resources) by compiling open content from multiple sources and/or editing open content |
$1,500 |
Remix and edit content to create a custom textbook for your course |
The Johnson Center for Creative Teaching & Learning is offering Open Educational Resources (OER)/Zero-Cost Course Conversion Grants in collaboration with Musselman Library. The purpose of this grant mechanism is to support course instructors who wish to replace commercial textbooks or other required class materials with OER or other resources that are entirely free to students.
Assigning zero-cost materials equalizes access and ensures that all students can have the materials they need to learn. Using OER benefits all students, and especially our most vulnerable ones.
Applications from all disciplines are encouraged. If you have any concerns whether your proposed project is fundable, please contact us.
Librarians in the Scholarly Communications department of Musselman Library are prepared to work with instructors to identify possible replacements, provide support for editing and remixing OER, take advantage of the Library Digital Course Materials Purchasing Policy, and consult about OER creation by faculty or students. Consultation with Mary Elmquist and/or Janelle Wertzberger is an essential and required initial step of this application.
Stipends range from $750 to $1,500 and are tied to the scope of work required to integrate new materials into a course. We expect the newly adopted materials to be used for at least two semesters and for instructors to conduct a thorough assessment related to student use of zero-cost materials.
Proposals will primarily be evaluated on:
- Project feasibility (including consideration of new materials, implementation plan, and assessment)
- Anticipated impact on student learning (including number of students impacted, contribution to student equity, and overall cost savings for students)
To apply:
- Consult with Scholarly Communications librarians as you begin your application.
- Email a completed application.
- Request completion of a brief survey from your department chair or program coordinator.
Contact Scholarly Communications librarians
Grant Application Please submit your application to jcctl@gettysburg.edu.
Grant Report
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Collaborative Grants and Professional Development Opportunities
Campus Working Groups
Funding |
$150 stipend per employee |
Funding is for… |
Stipend plus $350 for group’s materials/food, etc. |
Application due date |
Rolling |
Who is eligible? |
Salaried College employees |
Campus Working Group (CWG) grants facilitate small-group collaboration on semester- or year-long pedagogical projects. Often composed of colleagues from across departments/programs, these groups meet regularly to develop material, explore new approaches, brainstorm, offer feedback, share experiences, and/or facilitate cross-disciplinary experiences. Topics are flexible so long as your work connects to the JCCTL’s mission of supporting the implementation of innovative, inclusive, and evidence-based pedagogy, and helping sustain a collaborative pedagogical community.
All College employees are welcome to participate in a CWG, and we can offer a stipend of $150 to salaried employees as per college policy and $350 to working groups. If you are an hourly-paid employee and would like to lead or participate in a CWG, please contact us at jcctl@gettysburg.edu.
The goal of the CWG grant is, in part, to support this work monetarily, but also to help provide a framework that offers some structure and accountability; CWGs should plan to share their work with their campus colleagues through a JCCTL/SPI event, a resource guide, a workshop, or some other means.
Read about the JCCTL’s mission
Grant Application Please submit your application to jcctl@gettysburg.edu.
Grant Report
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Change Making Grant
(replaced the Department/Program Grant)
Funding |
$5,000 |
Funding is for… |
Range of appropriate expenses |
Application due date |
Rolling |
Who is eligible? |
Group of lecturers, tenure-track and tenured faculty; visiting and part-time faculty; salaried College employees |
The Change Making Grant provides support up to $5,000 to a group of faculty to research, plan, and implement substantive, innovative, and long-term change to their pedagogical practice. These changes must affect the pedagogical practice of all teaching participants. Proposals should do at least two, and preferably all three, of the following:
- Support curricular goals such the Gettysburg Curriculum, majors, minors, or interdisciplinary programs.
- Address common or shared initiatives such as intercultural or inclusive course design, use of evidence-based learning, application of principles of Universal Design for Learning, or information and digital literacy.
- Provide an opportunity for participants from different disciplines, academic departments/programs, or areas of specialization to work together. Applications that include librarians, digital/educational technologists, or other administrators are encouraged.
The funding may be used in a variety of ways, including bringing in a consultant, travel to workshops or conferences, purchase of resources or materials, support for ongoing meetings, or stipends. Given the amount of the grant, the JCCTL expects applicants to be thoughtful and creative in their plans for the funding. Proposing to pay stipends, for example, must be justified with a convincing explanation of why this represents the best use of the funds. The money may not be used for release time/course releases. The JCCTL also no longer funds activities that should be a normal part of department/program interaction, such as retreats.
Lecturers, tenure-track, and tenured faculty are eligible to apply. Visiting and part-time faculty may also participate as long as the period of their appointment coincides with the time frame of the proposed project. Groups may include colleagues who do not have a faculty appointment.
Funding is contingent on the quality of the proposal and availability of funds.
Grant Application Please submit your application to jcctl@gettysburg.edu.
Grant Report
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Teaching Squares
Funding |
$15 Gift cards (2) for the Atrium/other campus eatery |
Application due date |
Rolling |
Who is eligible? |
Course Instructors |
This grant in a nutshell: Observe colleagues teach and talk about it over JCCTL-sponsored lunch.
Application due date: A Teaching Square may be formed any time during the semester if there is enough time for the class visits and follow-up meetings.
Application format: please copy the text below into an email and send it to us.
The Teaching Squares program allows instructors to engage in interaction and follow-up while encouraging conversation about teaching across disciplines. It allows consultation, peer learning, and sharing of ideas in a positive, non-evaluative setting with colleagues you trust.
A Teaching Square is preferably made up of four instructors from different departments or programs, though we are also happy to fund ‘Teaching Triangles’ with some disciplinary/departmental overlap.
Participants agree to sit in on one another’s classes during a semester, preferably within a two- to four-week period. The goal is to learn from one another, share ideas, address concerns, gain insight into teaching techniques that might be adapted to the observer’s classes, and reflect on one’s own teaching practice.
Each member of a Teaching Square will receive two gift cards to be used at the Atrium or other campus eatery.
Email Body (please copy & send as an email)
Names and affiliation of the members of the Teaching Square:
Time period (semester) during which the members of the Teaching Square will visit each other’s classes:
Goals. In one or two sentences, please identify what your group hopes to gain from the program. Are there specific questions or issues you wish to address?
Reporting: Reporting needs are minimal: Please have one member of your group submit a brief (no more than 2 paragraphs) update on your meetings at the conclusion of the project. Think about these questions: What did you get out of your interactions? What will you do differently going forward? Do you have any interest in pursuing emerging questions further, and can JCCTL help support this work?
Please submit your application to jcctl@gettysburg.edu.
Grant Report