Dear Gettysburg Alumni, Parents, and Friends,
On this day in 1863, Gettysburg College alumnus David Wills, Class of 1851, invited President Abraham Lincoln to deliver “a few appropriate remarks” at the dedication of a national cemetery for those who had fallen during the Battle of Gettysburg. Lincoln’s immortal words—delivered on November 19th and now known as the Gettysburg Address—called upon our nation to rededicate itself to the unfinished work before us.
I write to you today to announce that our Board of Trustees recently approved a new strategic plan for Gettysburg College. Our plan, which will guide us over the next five years, has as its foundation the words of Lincoln and the ideals of the Gettysburg Address.
The Unfinished Work: A Strategic Direction for Gettysburg College focuses on providing superb preparation to all Gettysburg College students—a new generation of socially responsible leaders who will live and work in an increasingly diverse, globally-interconnected, and fast-changing world. It is built around three key themes: Impact; Inclusion and Internationalization; and Innovation.
I am grateful to the many members of our College community who provided input and insight throughout this year-long strategic planning process. To learn more about our new strategic plan, I invite you to visit our website to view the full text or to read the abbreviated web-version.
With this strategic plan, the Board of Trustees also approved a revision of our mission statement and underlying values. The revised statement includes an acknowledgement that Gettysburg attracts students from around the world and that an education in the liberal arts and sciences provides excellent preparation for fulfilling personal, civic, and professional lives. We have also added to our list of core values the importance of a diverse and inclusive learning community and the value of ethical leadership.
I look forward to all that we will accomplish together with the aspirations of The Unfinished Work to guide us. Once again, thank you for your loyal support of Gettysburg College and our students.
Janet Morgan Riggs