The following message is sent on behalf of Trustee Rich Scheff ’77, Chair of the Naming Principles Advisory Group:
Dear campus community,
I’m following up on an email President Riggs sent to the community in February where she discussed the formation of a Trustee-led advisory group that would be charged with gathering information and insights related to naming principles at the College.
As Chair of the Naming Principles Advisory Group, I’m writing to share with you more details about the charge of our group that was established by the Board of Trustees:
- Study the previous work done in the higher education context to examine the dynamics and outcomes of re-naming decisions;
- Determine how existing principles developed elsewhere can or should be adapted to fit the Gettysburg College context;
- Outline the types of factors that should guide decision-makers in the re-naming of significant programs and spaces on campus;
- Hold listening sessions with campus constituencies to receive their input;
- Make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees on principles to guide any re-naming controversies.
I am thankful for the faculty, staff, students, and trustees who have dedicated their time to serving on this advisory group: Trustees Jim Banks, Jr. ’80 and Flora Darpino ’83; Trustee Emeritus Jesse Diner ’69; Administrative Staff, Jeanne Arnold and Kristin Largen; Students, Hannah Dalzell ’20, Hannah Labovitz ’21, Patrick McKenna ’20 and Hassan Williams-Kone ’21; Faculty, Dina Lowy, Ian Isherwood ’00, and Hakim Williams.
As defined by our charge, an important part of this group’s work is to hear perspectives from the campus community as we develop our recommendations. I invite you to attend one of the following listening sessions on April 22, 2019.
In addition, while it is our hope that you can attend one of these meetings, you can also fill out a survey providing your views on the principles or factors that should be considered in naming or renaming a College program or building. We welcome your response to the survey whether you can or cannot attend one of the meetings on April 22.
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Administrators and Staff (CUB Ballroom)
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Students (CUB Ballroom) Feel free to bring your lunch.
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Administrators and Staff (Mara Auditorium)
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Faculty (Mara Auditorium)
5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Students (Mosaic House)
We look forward to hearing from you,
Rich Scheff ‘77
Gettysburg College Trustee
Chair, Naming Principles Advisory Group