What to do if there are multiple applicants for a single project, or multiple chairs/supervisors to review the proposal?
What if I am applying with one (or more) colleagues?
The PeopleSoft tool for submitting applications for grants allows for multiple applicants. If you are submitting an application with one or several co-applicants, only one application for the group should be submitted via PeopleSoft. Identify one member of your team to serve as the "lead author" who will represent the group, and collect all of the information in a single application. This information includes the past history of applications for RPD grants (if applicable), and CVs for all co-applicants.
In the application form, answer "Yes" to the question “Does this application include co-applicants?” and follow the instructions.
The chair(s)/supervisor(s) of the co-applicants will need to review the proposals. See below for instructions for this case.
What if I have multiple chairs/supervisors who need to review my proposal?
These instructions apply to situations where a single applicant may have more than one chair/supervisor who should review the proposal, and for cases where there are multiple applicants for a single project.
The PeopleSoft tool for submitting applications for grants is limited to a single chair/supervisor.
In your application, where it asks to specify your chair/supervisor, choose the person most closely aligned to the topic of your proposal.
For other recommenders, give them the PDF version of your proposal (the PDF will be emailed to you automatically when you submit your proposal) and ask them to write on your behalf. They should send their completed letter to Diane Brennan at (dbrennan@gettysburg.edu) in the Provost's office before the reviewer deadline. You will need to inform them of the deadline date, with any reminders they may need. Deadline dates are established in the call for proposals that is released each semester.
Here are their instructions, which you should give to them.
“Briefly comment on the merits of this proposal, the purpose(s) for which any departmental funds are intended, and the appropriateness of the proposed budget. If you have any additional information that would be helpful to the committee in its deliberations, please include it. Your commentary can be brief. Your comments are important to the committee’s evaluation of the project, and the members of the committee appreciate your efforts to complete this form.”