Chemistry Major, BA
Check Sheet
Twelve courses, eight in Chemistry, are required for the Chemistry major, Bachelor of Arts.
Eight Chemistry Courses
- CHEM 107 Chemical Structure & Bonding
- CHEM 108 Chemical Reactivity
- CHEM 203 Organic Chemistry 1: Structure and Mechanism
- CHEM 204 Organic Chemistry 2: Reactivity and Chemical Synthesis
- CHEM 222 Chemistry: Contemporary Issues & Practices
- CHEM 305 Physical Chemistry 1: Chemical Thermodynamics & Kinetics or CHEM 307 Biophysical Chemistry
CHEM 306 Physical Chemistry 2: Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy, can be taken in place of CHEM 305, but MATH 211 is a pre-requisite for CHEM 306. - Two additional CHEM courses at the 200, 300, or 400-level, at least one must be a lab only course.
Four Courses from Other Departments
- PHY 109 Introductory Physics I
- PHY 110 Introductory Physics II
- MATH 111 Calculus I
- MATH 112 Calculus II
- Students intending to take Chemistry 107/108 must take a placement test prior to enrolling in Chemistry 107. Chemistry 107-I and Chemistry 108-I, which provide students with extra support through weekly recitation sections, count as the equivalent to Chemistry 107 and Chemistry 108.