Major Checklist

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Health Sciences Major, Bachelor of Sciences

Check Sheet

Thirteen courses are required for the Health Sciences major, Bachelor of Science.

Four HS Core Courses

  • HS 209 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
  • HS 210 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
  • HS 230 Nutrition, or one from BIO 211, 212, 230
  • HS Capstone. Choose one from HS 478 Capstone Summer Internship, HS 488 Capstone Seminar Class, or HS 460 Independent Capstone Research.

One HS Statistics Course

  • HS 232 Statistics for the Health Sciences, BIO 260 Biostatistics, or Math 107 Applied Statistics.

Four HS Electives at the 300-Level

  • Choose four from the following 300-level HS courses: HS 309 Exercise Medicine, HS 310 Assessment in the Health Sciences (lab), HS 311 Neuromuscular Physiology (lab), HS 312 Cardiorespiratory Physiology, HS 319 Environmental Physiology, HS 322 Global Health, HS 323 Social Determinants of Health, HS 326 Epidemiology , HS 328 Health Equity, HS 330 Advanced Nutrition and Metabolism, HS 340 Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics, HS 350 Exposure Assessment, HS 376 Pathophysiology of Chronic Disease, and/ or HS 390 Topics in Health Sciences.
  • May included one course from an affiliated off-campus studies programs with approval from the HS Department Chair.

Four Natural Science Courses

  • BIO 111 Intro to Ecology & Evolution
  • BIO 112 Form and Function in Living Organisms
  • Choose one pair from CHEM 107 & 108 or PHY 103 & 104