Anthropology Major
Check Sheet
Ten courses are required for the ANTH major.
Five Core Courses
- ANTH 103 Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Must earn a grade of C- or better - ANTH 106 Intro to Archaeology and Physical Anthropology
Must earn a grade of C- or better - ANTH 300 History of Anthropological Theory
- Methods course from ANTH 323 or ANTH 324
- ANTH 400 Capstone Experience in Anthropology
Five Anthropology Electives at the 200 or 300-level
- Five ANTH courses at the 200 or 300-level
- At least one of the five courses must be at the 300-level
- Students who take both methods courses (ANTH 323 and 324) may count one of the as a 200-level elective.
- No courses taken in the minor may be taken under the Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory grade option
- Limit of two courses taken while studying abroad may count as 200-level electives for the minor subject to departmental approval.
- 400-level courses (Individualized Study, including internships and tutorials) do not generally count as electives.