Cinema and Media Studies Minor
Check Sheet
Six courses are required for the CIMS minor.
Core Courses
- CIMS 101 Intro Cinema & Media Studies
- A History of World Cinema course. CIMS 250 or CIMS 251
Four CIMS Electives
- Any courses with a CIMS prefix, included core courses not used above
- Any course from the following: AFS 215, ANTH 215, ARTH 225, ARTS 160, 265, 266, AS 255/355, 265, 266, ENG 203, ES 319, GER 235, 260, 280, IDS 215, 217, 218, 219, 226, 252, 280, ITAL 250, ITAL 285, LAS 228, 304, MUS_CLAS 170, 203, PHIL 335, SOC 102, 204, 237, 250 Topic: Soc of Digital Culture & Online Behavior, SPAN 322, THA 105, 120, 212, 214, 215, 255, 282, WGS 218, 220
- Limit of two 100-level courses may count toward the minor requirments.