Title IX Information

Report an incident

Report an incident of sexual misconduct through the Office of College Life.

Report an incident

How to report

Learn about the process for reporting an incident of sexual misconduct.

Learn how to file a report

Title IX is part of the Educational Amendments Act of 1972, which is a comprehensive federal law protecting individuals from discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance.

Gettysburg College prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex (i.e., which includes but is not limited to the prohibition of sexual misconduct and relationship violence, including sexual assault and harassment) in all of its educational programs and activities.

Woman sitting on a bench using her laptop


Inquires about the College’s application of the Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policies can be directed to the college’s Title IX Coordinator, or to the Intake/Investigative Offices identified by the College. In addition, inquires can be made to the Office for Civil Rights, United State Department of Education.

Learn how to start a Title IX Inquiry

Title IX Training

In accordance with obligations under the United States Department of Education’s Final Title IX Rule of May 19, 2020, all training materials used to train Title IX Coordinator, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process are available here.

Title IX Data

Starting in the Fall of 2020, the College made the commitment to increase transparency surrounding the reports received by the Office of Sexual Respect and Title IX. This annual disclosure of data does not correspond with the College’s Annual Security Report required under the federal Clery Act because the definitions and geographic jurisdiction used by the Title IX Office differ than what is required by the Clery Act.

Title IX Feedback Form

If you have feedback about the Title IX office and/or process, please use this form to provide feedback. Your feedback will be received by the Director of Title IX and Sexual Respect and the Vice President for College Life.