The Provost is the Chief Academic Officer of the College and handles matters pertaining to faculty and academic programs. The office is located on the third floor of Pennsylvania Hall.
The faculty establishes and conducts the academic program of the College and shares with the resident and the Board of Trustees ultimate responsibility for setting policies regarding student academic life at the College. Faculty responsibilities include the teaching and advising of students; scholarly activity such as research, publication, performance, or professional consultation; other intellectual activity, such as participation in professional meetings and workshops; and service to the community through campus governance.
In designing and implementing the academic program, the faculty works through committees. Many of these have student representatives. Examples of faculty committees include the Academic Policy and Program Committee, which deals with questions of curriculum and academic policy; the Academic Standing Committee, which reviews and evaluates the academic records of individual students and decides, for instance, if a student should be placed on probation or required to withdraw from the College; and the Enrollment and Educational Services, which sets policies and guidelines for admissions, advanced standing credit, and financial aid.
The faculty committees report their recommendations at the meetings of the entire faculty, which student representatives attend. At these meetings consideration is given to academic and student life matters and the general state of the College.