Civil War Vertical File Manuscripts
13th Illinois Volunteer Regiment. Diary, May 1861-1863, Western Theatre, Vicksburg. Author unknown. CWVFM-099
165th Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment. Ledger and list of officers. CWVFM-113-Oversize
63rd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment.Register. CWVFM-112-Oversize
Abbott, General Ira Coray. 1st Michigan Infantry, Co. G & C. Diary. 1861-1863. Ms-42pp. CWVFM-131
Adams County Poorhouse (Almshouse). Ledger. 1837-1875. AMs. CWVFM-123
Adams Rifles. List of officers and privates of the Adams Rifles. Ms-4pp. Unaddressed invitation to the reunion of the Adams Rifles held 29 May 1882, and one ticket for the Re-union Ball and Reception held at Gettysburg Springs Hotel, 25 August 1869. CWVFM-001, 002
Alexander, Augustus W. "Who was Augustus W. Alexander?" Unfinished essay written by an unknown author in response to Alexander's critique of Grant. Includes transcription. AMs-8pp. CWVFM-003
Antietam Memorial Program. Program of the scheduled events for a 1931 commemoration of the Battle of Antietam/Sharpsburg. CWVFM-142
Baum, Charles. Handwritten and typed account of Lincoln's speech at Gettysburg. 17 December 1935. TMs-2pp. AMsS-2pp. ;CWVFM-005
Baumes, Oscar, 123rd New York Infantry, Co A. Letters from Baumes to family and friends, 1862. Photocopies-6pp. CWVFM-132
Bikle, Philip M. Bikle’s account of Lincoln’s speech at Gettysburg. 12 Feb. 1926. TMsS-4pp.CWVFM-006
Blood, Captain H. B. [Assistant Quartermaster.] Correspondence concerning payment to PA College for damages done to the buildings while used for hospital purposes. One letter from Blood to Dr. Baugher, President of the college. 3 Sep. 1863. ALS-1p. One copy of a letter from Acting Quartermaster General Charles Thomas to Blood, forwarded to Dr. Baugher. L-2pp. CWVFM-007
Bounns, J. Francis. Souvenir photo-card, “The Children of the Battlefield”. Transcription of text on the card and information about the photo. CWVFM-009
Bradford, George. Two loyalty oaths for Bradford, issued 29 December 1863 and 18 April 1863 in Accomack County, Virginia. 2 D-2pp. CWVFM-116
Browne, William J. Letters from Browne to his siblings describing moving his family to Orange Spring, Florida and their subsequent hasty departure because “we were not Safe in remaining any longer although we had provisions sufficient for 6 Months.” 29 Dec. 1860. 5 ALS-20pp. CWVFM-011
Broughton, William H. Letter describing camp life and referencing the recovery of the colors of the 94th New York at Fredericksburg, dated 16 January, 1863; Letter detailing the crossing of the Rappahannock at Fredericksburg on August 1, dated 4 August, 1863. CWVFM-154
Cabeen, Richard. Letter to Bell I. Wiley, Emory University, about Camp Douglas, Illinois. Chicago, 5 Dec. 1951. ALS-2pp. CWVFM-012
Caldwell, John C. Report of Brigadier General John C. Caldwell, Commanding 1st Division II Corps, describing July 2 and 3 at the battle of Gettysburg. 5 Sep. 1863. Ms-6pp. (copy). CWVFM-013
Cashtown Ledger. 1790-1845; with a diary January 1861-May 1863. Mentions the death of George Hartman, 165th PA. 1 AMs item. CWVFM-124
Chapman, Merrick. Appointment and discharge papers of Sergeant Chapman, Company I, 5th Regiment of New York Artillery Volunteers. 24 June 1865 and 19 July 1865. D-2pp. CWVFM-108-Oversize
Clare, Henry Pentland. (1834-1892) 9th Regiment, NY Militia, 83rd NY State Volunteers. Jan-Dec 1863 to his brother, William Clare. 47 Letters. [See MS-068 and CWVFM-109-Oversize]
Company A 26th Pennsylvania. Articles and essays written about the College Company in the Pennsylvania Militia, and other accounts of the Battle of Gettysburg. 11 MS items. CWVFM-119
Confederate Correspondence. Letter from a confederate soldier to Josie Cooper, describing camp life. 14 Jan. 1863. L-2pp. CWVFM-96
Crawford, Samuel W. 3 letters to Isaac H. Pennypacker, editor of the Weekly Press, discussing an article in response to an editorial about the Pennsylvania Reserves in the 3rd Division at the Battle of Gettysburg on the 2nd and 3rd of July 1863. 1 letter to Mr. Smith in response to an editorial about the battle. 12 July - 2 Sep. 1886. 4 ALS-11pp. CWVFM-16
Davison, G. W. 4 letters from G. W. Davison to family members, 1861 - 1862. Photocopies from originals and transcripts. 17pp. CWVFM-130
Dawney, Benjamin C. Diary dated 9 December 1862 to 5 May 1863, written while serving in Company H, 126th Pennsylvania. He later became an officer in the 127th PA Colored Regiment. Ms-41pp. CWVFM-128
Day, Herbert Madison. “Persons, Places, and Things of the American Civil War.” Unpublished manuscript. Vol I. CWVFM-17, Vol II. CWVFM-18, Vol III. CWVFM-019
Dickins, Francis W. “Acting Midshipmen F. W. Dickins, US. Naval Academy Newport, R. I., 24th March 1862. Private Journal.” Entries dating 15 July 1862 - 1 Oct. 1862. AMsS. CWVFM-20/21
Early, Jubal A. Letter to Isaac R. Pennypacker, Esq. [Editor of the Weekly Press] declining to write an article about the battle of Gettysburg, but referring him to several of his published articles. Lynchburg, VA, 7 May 1886. ALS-2pp. CWVFM-022
Envelopes, Patriotic. A collection of Union patriotic envelops. CWVFM-023
Ervin, Elijah. Letters from Pvt. Ervin, Co. A, 79th Pennsylvania Regiment, to his wife, Elmira Hinkle Ervin. The second letters was written from the Thomas Hospital at Kingston, Georgia, where Ervin died. 28 May 1864 and 19 July 1864. 2 ALS-6pp. CWVFM-024
Fisher, Albanus S. Letters from Orderly Sergeant A. S. Fisher, 54th Massachusetts Regiment. One to Capt. George Pope, 31 July 1863, and one to “My Dear friend and Strange acquaintance,” 14 Mar. 1864. The letters were sent by John W. Sullivan to Charles Sumner on 31 May 1864. 3 ALS-9pp. CWVFM-025
Foutz, Adam. Biography and some military papers (copies) of Adam Foutz (1841-1911) Co. A., 190th Penn. Regiment. Foutz was a long term employee of Pennsylvania College and husband of Catherine Foutz, the “mother of the College.” See also Klingel, Albert and Adam Foutz items in Civil War Artifact Collection. CWVFM-026
Fricke, Frank. Honorable discharge paper. 26 June 1865. CWVFM-027
Fuldar, A. E. Telegram to Col. J. K. Duncan stating, “There is only one vessel at each pass now.” New Orleans, 25 July 1861. T-1p. CWVFM-028
Geary, John White (1819-1873). Letter with Pennsylvania Executive Chamber letterhead, to Prof. M. L. Stoever. The newly-elected governor relates “ my opinion the Battle of Gettysburg was one of the greatest of the nineteenth century. In the Providence of God, it was the turning point of the War of the Rebellion, and upon its success depended the liberties and happiness we now enjoy....” Includes a wartime engraved portrait in uniform. 22 Feb. 1867. ALS-1p. CWVFM-029
Gettysburg Asylum for Invalid Soldiers. Subscription receipt towards the erection of the asylum. Ephemera, 1 pc.CWVFM-030
Gettysburg, Battle of. Letter from Rev. Frederick S. Weiser, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, to Dr. R. Bloom, Gettysburg College, sending a photograph of Marcellus E. Jones, Co. E. 8th Illinois Cavalry, the man who fired the first shot in the Battle of Gettysburg. Also enclosed was the typescript of a newspaper article about the photograph. 10 May 1961. ALS-1p. 1 photograph, 3 pcs. CWVFM-031
Gettysburg, Battle of, Fiftieth (50th) Anniversary. Official detailed information concerning the 50th Anniversary issued by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 5 April 1913 (2 copies). Letter to the editor concerning information about the 50th Anniversary, 23 April 1913. Map of the Camp for Veterans and veteran's identification ticket for the anniversary. MS-7pp. CWVFM-137
Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Association. Documents concerning the association. 10 pcs.CWVFM-032
Gettysburg, Hospital and Provost Reports. Reports and lists of paroled men, prisoners, sick, weapons, goods, nurses, etc., to Provost from hospital. 18 pcs. CWVFM-033
Gibbons, Thomas H. Leather-bound diary, containing entries from October of 1861 to July of 1862; photograph of Thomas Gibbons. CWVFM-156
Glace, William H. 47th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. F. “Memorandum and scrapbook, January 8, 1863.” Manuscript journal containing notes and daily chronicles. AMsS-140pp. CWVFM-134
Grierson, Benjamin Henry, (1826-191). Campaign Song (1860), written by B. H. Grierson, of Meredosia, Illinois (to the tune of “Old Dan Tucker”). Offered for sale by the Meredosia Wide-Awakes. Ms-1p.CWVFM-034
Hackett, Ross. Daybook of U. S. Signal Corpsman Hackett from Chambersburg, PA. CWVFM-035
Hall, Maria C. Letters from Hall, a nurse at U.S. General Hospital, Annapolis, Maryland, to Mrs. Chase, Secretary of the Soldiers Relief Society, and Mrs. Ames, thanking them for the recent donations of supplies. 15 April and 20 Dec. [1864]. 2 ALS-7pp. CWVFM-036
Hamlin, Ellen V.E. Signature. Hamlin was the wife of Vice President Hamlin during Lincoln’s Administration. Ms-1p. CWVFM-037
Harvey, James E. Letter to L. I. Cist Esq., St. Louis, stating that he was appointed U. S. Minister to Portugal on 8 April 1861. Washington City, 25 Mar. 1868. ALS-1p. CWVFM-038
Hays, Alexander. Report from Brig. General Hays, Headquarters, Division, 2nd Corps, to Lt. Col. C. H. Morgan, Chief of Staff, describing his units' participation in the Battle of Gettysburg. Includes transcript. 8 July 1863. Ms-5pp. CWVFM-039
Hayward, A. Henry. Appointment paper of Sergeant Hayward, Co. D of the 28th Regiment of Pa Volunteers. 18 Feb. 1863. D-1p. CWVFM-110-Oversize
Hebert, P. O. Letter to Col. G. K. Duncan, Commanding Fort Jackson requesting him to turn over to Capt. James B. Anderson all the unattached recruits under Duncan’s command in order to fill up the vacancies in Anderson's company. 18 July 1861. ALS-1p. CWVFM-41
Hege, Michael. Poem. Typescript of verse composed by Michael Hege, Marion, Franklin County, PA, based on an experience he and his family had in 1863 with some rebels who came to their home to rob them. Translated from the German by Harvey S. Reiff. n.d. TMs-4pp. CWVFM-40
Holland, W. A. Photocopy of “The Old Bucktails — Their History.” MS-14 pp. CWVFM-120.
Holt, Joseph, (1807-1894) . Letter from W. A. Cromwell, Treasury Department, to Hon. Joseph Holt, Judge Advocate General, recommending that he permit Edward Kenny of the Treasury Department to be admitted to the “Conspiracy Trial” [the trial of Mary Surratt et. al.]. 12 June 1865. ALS-1p. CWVFM-042
Holtzworth, William D. Battlefield lecture notes prepared by William D. Holtzworth, an early Gettysburg Battlefield guide and lecturer. MS 10 pp. CWVFM-146
Howard, Oliver Otis, (1830-1909). Letter from Howard to D. A. Buehler, Secretary of the Board of Trustees of Pennsylvania College, accepting the honorary degree the colleges wishes to confer upon him and remembering the days that “ended with such measure of success, as to guarantee peace and prosperity to your little village and to your institution.” 11 Aug. 1866. ALS-1p. CWVFM-043
Howe, Julia Ward. Signed card from Howe, author of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic", with a handwritten verse from the hymn. Includes a letter from Howe's daughter and magazine clipping with an image and information about Howe. 14 Oct. 1889 and 15 Sept. 1918. ACS-1pp. ALS-1pp. CWVFM-044
Hunt, Henry Jackson, (1819-1889). Letter to General Tidball, discussing officers deserving of premotion. Fort Sullivan, Eastport, Maine, 14 May 1868. ALS-4pp. CWVFM-045
Hunt, Louis. Photographs, including images of Grant, Sherman, Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln. 10 items. CWVFM-046
Information for the People. Broadside printed for the citizens of Pennsylvania by the Pennsylvania Brigade of Birney's Division CWVFM-140.
Jacobs, Michael. Correspondence between Michael Jacobs and General O. O. Howard concerning the Battle of Gettysburg. 1864. Photocopies from originals in Bowdoin College Library-9pp. CWVFM-047
Janes, Henry. Endorsement by Surgeon Henry Janes, Medical Director of all field hospitals around Gettysburg after the battle, of the communication from President H. L. Baugher regarding damage to the College Edifice at Pennsylvania College at Gettysburg while it served as a hospital July 1 – 29, 1863. ALS 1 p. CWVFM-148
Jones, William Thomas. Member of 23rd P.V. (Birney's Zouaves) & 61st P.V. Letters to his family, including a letter about the Battle of Gettysburg. 4 Oct. 1861 to 18 June 1864. Typed copies of transcribed letters-50pp. CWVFM-121.
Katz, D. Mark. “Booth's First Attempt,” by D. Mark Katz. TMs-7pp. CWVFM-048
Keith, Edwin Harrison. “Journal of Bay Point Life.” Journal of E. H. Keith, writing in Bridgewater, Massachusetts. 1 Jan. 1865 - 7 Sep. 1865. 1 volume. CWVFM-049
Kendlehart. Letter, 26 June 1863, Kendlehart, Gettysburg, to General Early, Regarding the General's demands for supplies. Transcript and photograph. CWVFM-050
Klingel, Albert. Letters to his brother and sister as well as some photographs and photocopies of several documents. Klingel (1843-1863) was one of the first drafted men in Adams County. He later entered the 165th Penn. Regiment, Company H on November 8, 1862. Albert died of typhoid at Fortress Monroe. Letters dated 17 Jan. and 13 Mar. 2 ALS-8pp. CWVFM-051
Kramer, Frank H. Finished essay and draft titled “Gettysburg, the High Water Mark of the Sixties” written for the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Battle, 3 July 1913. Also included are several newspaper clippings pertaining to the anniversary, as well as notes of addresses. TMsS-14pp. CWVFM-136
Lee, William Henry Fitzhugh. Letter to Davis about the passing of a mutual acquaintance. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C., 28 May 1888. ALS-1p. CWVFM-052
Leidy, John. Copy of daguerreotype. Leidy was a private from Wisconsin killed in the Battle of Gettysburg and buried in the National Cemetery at Gettysburg. CWVFM-053
Lenhart, David. Letter to his mother. Camp near Fredericksburg, 18 Dec. 1862. ALS-2pp. CWVFM-054
Lincoln, Abraham. Pamphlet titled "The Autobiography of Abraham Lincoln." Includes letters and an unaddressed invitation. CWVFM-055
Lincoln, Abraham. Autograph endorsement on a letter dated 14 Sep. 1861. Letter is addressed to Senator Ira Harris of New York and regards the service of his son, Lieutenant William H. Harris, graduate of West Point in June 1861, in the Ordnance Corps. AES-1p. CWVFM-135. See also West Point photograph album of Lieutenant William H. Harris, Civil War Era digital collection at Gettysburg College.
Lincoln Mourning Ribbon. Ribbon worn at the Lincoln Funeral. CWVFM-141
Lincoln Reliefs. CWVFM-143
Little, Joseph. Note from Burgess Little ordering the citizens of Gettysburg to take up arms to defend the borough. 2 Jan. 1863. N-1p. CWVFM-056
Love, Robert. Letters, 1862, from Love, Co. C 10th New Jersey Regiment, Washington, D.C., to his sister, concerning what the regiment is doing in Washington while waiting to go to Harpers Ferry (according to the Rumor going around camp) 4 ALS-11pp. Includes photographs. CWVFM-057
Love, Robert. Manuscript, 1908, “A Boy Volunteer's War Record 1861-1865,” by Robert Love, 1st Lieutenant, 10th New Jersey Volunteers, presented to Marian Taylor Love, Christmas, 1908, Philadelphia. 1 volume. CWVFM-058
MacKenzie, Cosmo T. Letter to his brother, discussing the firing on Sumter and opening of the war. Patriotic letterhead with “Secession Flag.” Baltimore, 12 April 1861. ALS-4pp.CWVFM-059
Markham, Edwin. Poems, “Lincoln, the Man of the People,” 1924, and “The Man with the Hoe,” 1924. 2 TMs-2pp. CWVFM-062
Markward, B. Letters, 1864-1865, written by Markward to his wife and children while serving with the 121st. Pennsylvania Volunteers. 14 letters. CWVFM-063
McGirr, John, Jr. Poem. “Gettysburg” written during the Centennial in honor of his father, J. C. McGirr, who fought at Gettysburg. 1932. Ms-1p. CWVFM-060
McGrail, Eric R. Information about a 1961 student hoax involving a forged Civil War note.CWVFM-061
Meade, Gen. George G. Letters. One to Prof. Stoever, Pennsylvania College. 24 December 1866. One to Nicholson 16 August 1866. 2 ALS-2pp. CWVFM-064
Meigs, Montgomery C. (1816-1892). Manuscript, “The Relief of Fort Pickens,” and letter from Meigs to General Samuel W. Crawford, who was collecting research material for a book on Fort Pickins. 7 Feb. 1884. CWVFM-065
Mesnard, Luther. Memoir written in 1901 by Luther Mesnard for his son, providing reminiscences of his experiences during the Civil War in the 55th and 25th Ohio Volunteer Infantry including his participation at the Battle of Gettysburg. MS 57 pp. CWVFM-144
Milliken, James. Letter detailing Milliken's participation in the Battle of Chancellorsville, dated 29 May, 1863. CWVFM-153
Miner, George L. Muster-out from Company A, 15th Connecticut Volunteer Regiment, 3 May 1865 for Miner, who had been taken prisoner and paroled 26 Mar. 1865. D-1p. CWVFM-066
Morehart, David. Diary, dated 1861 - 1862, written while serving in Company H., 5th Pennsylvania. Includes typed transcription-37pp. CWVFM-127
Morrison, James W. and William. 12 letters, from 1862 to 1865, written by James R. Morrison 42nd Pennsylvania Regiment, and his brother, William Morrison, 1st Pennsylvania Rifles, to their family in Titusville, PA. ALS-39pp. CWVFM-126
Murdock, Alexander. Letter to brother detailing the 2nd North Carolina Infantry's participation in the Battle of Gettysburg and including sketch of the Union position on Oak Ridge and the assaults of Iverson's, Daniel’s, and Ramseur's brigades on July 1st. Dated 10 August, 1863. CWVFM-157.
New-York Tribune. Full ten-page issue of the New-York Tribune for Tuesday, April 22, 1862 stamped with the name of Rev. H.L. Baugher, President of Pennsylvania College (1850-1868). D 10 pp. Included is a biography of Baugher taken from the independent website, “The Gettysburg Daily” CWVFM-149
Newton, Yates Whitmore. Diary, January 4, 1863 - December 30, 1863, kept by Lieutenant Yates Whitmore Newton, in which he records the activity of his assignment with Company C, 110th New York Volunteer Infantry, including the Siege of Port Hudson, the Battle of Sabine Pass, and his dire sickness throughout the fall months from the year of 1863. Prior to this, Newton had served as a Corporal with Company B of the 7th New York Volunteer Cavalry Regiment which was mustered out of service on March 31, 1862. He was discharged from service on February 8, 1864, in Franklin, Louisiana. Transcript available. CWVFM-160
Nicolay, John G. Letter to C. A. Walborn, Philadelphia, saying that it will be impossible “for the President to have the message ready to send off prior to its delivery to Congress.” Executive Mansion, 29 Nov. 1861. ALS-1p. Tipped into a bound copy of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.CWVFM-067
Notice of Town Meeting, Massachusetts. Broadside with the notice of a town meeting in Reading, Massachusetts on August 15, 1864. Agenda items include monies for refunds and bounties. CWVFM-114
Osborn, Stephen Allen. Manuscript, "Reminiscence of The Civil War," [145th Pennsylvania Regiment, Brooke's Brigade]. Photocopy of typescript of published pamphlet. Ms-36pp; Typed copy of “Recollections of the Civil War”, published serially in The Shenango Valley News from 2 April 1915 - 16 July 1915. Ms-27pp. CWVFM-069
O'Toole, Gerald. Enlistment paper of Gerald O'Toole, New Orleans. 5 Mar. 1861. D-1p. CWVFM-068
Padgett, Thomas. Collection of 11 letters from Thomas Padgett artilleryman in the 1st US Artillery to his sister, Mary Ann, and from fellow soldiers, 1861-1863. CWVFM-138
Paper Money. Confederate States of America. Seven Notes. CWVFM-070
Papers. Found on the Gettysburg battlefield by Sallie Mclean after the battle. 7 items. CWVFM-071
Patch, George H. Four-page letter criticizing Copperheads, dated 14 April, 1863. CWVFM-152
Place, Frank. Letter from Gettysburg to his father, in which he discusses the activities of his regiment. Copy of letter-4pp. CWVFM-072
Pleasanton, Alfred. Telegraph from Maj. Gen. Pleasanton to Gen. Ingalls relating Gen. Buford's need of a good quartermaster. 26 June 1863. 1p. CWVFM-073
Porter, George McCandless. Diary from 1857. CWVFM-074
Potter, Marvin H. Letters written by Potter to his parents while serving in Co. B, 12th Pennsylvania Reserve Corps. 2 ALS-7pp CWVFM-075
Reed, Samuel A. Reed's discharge from Co. A, 43rd Regular US Troops, on 20 October 1865. D-1p. CWVFM-076
Rees[e], Charles L. Diary kept by Private Charles L. Rees[e], Company K, Ninety-Fifth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry recording daily unit activities from April 2, 1864 to May 19, 1864. Private Rees died of wounds received at Spotsylvania Court House on May 12, 1864. Jour. 13 pp. CWVFM-147
Reynolds, Milo. Photocopy of letter written to Reynold's mother while drilling in Connecticut. 2pp. CWVFM-077
Rice, Edward. Record of ammunition expenditure by 19th Massachusetts Infantry, 3rd Quarter 1864; Invalid pass for Lt. Col. Edward Rice, dated 30 October, 1864. CWVFM-150
Robertson, J. Touro. Diary, 1861, written while serving in Co. D, 12th Regiment New York State Militia. CWVFM-078
Rosecrans. Order of General Rosecrans from Chattanooga, Tennessee, October 9, 1863. CWVFM-139
Rupp, William A. Diary. Rupp was a member of Capt Klinefelter's Co., 26th Emergency Regiment and Co. F, 87th Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment. 16 June 1863 to 1 Aug. 1863. Photocopies of diary, CWVFM-081. Transcript of diary, CWVFM-80. CWVFM-79
Russell, Alonzo. Letter detailing actions taken against Confederate bushwhackers in North Carolina, dated 6 December, 1863. CWVFM-155
Sachs, John. Narrative of Capt. John Sachs, 5th Maryland Regiment, about his experiences as a prisoner in Confederate hands and as a fugitive from Southern captivity, as told to Rev. Jacob Blas, a German Lutheran preacher, and written in German. File also includes a literal translation of the account, biographical information about Johns Sachs, photographs of Sachs in uniform, and a letter from a fellow prisoner to Sachs' son. Ms-19pp. CWVFM-082
Sedgwick, John. Member of the veteran association of Shaler's Brigade, Sixth Army Corps, recording their feelings about the lack of a monument to their corps commander, Maj. Gen. John Sedwick. 10 Aug. 1906. D-4pp. CWVFM-083
Shimp, William P. Letters to Anna Lilley discussing the Battle of Gettysburg. Shimp was a member of Co. A, 46th Pennsylvania Regiment. 26 June and 6 July 1863. Typescripts-2pp. CWVFM-084
Sickles, Theresa Bagliol. Editorial about Sickles’ acquittal for the murder of Philip Barton Key in Harper's New Monthly Magazine. Sep. 1859. v.19, iss. 112 p. 563. Clippings from the Hagerstown Mail concerning the Dred Scott Decision. 20 Mar. 1857. CWVFM-085
Skinkle, Matthew. Letter to his sister, Moriah, copying twelve of the fourteen stanzas of a poem by William Knox (1789-1825), which he incorrectly attributes to Abraham Lincoln. ALS-1p. CWVFM-086
Slocum, H. W. Letter to Samuel A. Chrislie referring to Slocum's article in the Century. 16 Oct. 1887. ALS-1p. CWVFM-087
Smith, Jared A. Muster Roll for the U. S. Engineers Troop, April to June, 1864. D-1p. CWVFM-088
Smith, William. Six-page letter detailing camp life and the participation of the 19th Massachusetts Infantry in the Battle of Balls Bluff, dated 29 October, 1861. CWVFM-151
“Sold for a Soldier; or The Life of His Regiment.” War Library: Original Stories of Adventure in the War for the Union 6:131 (New York: Novelist Publishing Co., March 14, 1885). MS-24pp. CWVFM-122.
Sponseller, Jonas S. Letter to his family and his sister relating life at Camp Simmons. Harrisburg, PA, 25 Sep. 1862. ALS-2pp. CWVFM-089
Steffan, Augustus. Diary. Augustus writes of his trip from Philadelphia to Gettysburg upon learning of the death of his brother, John Steffan, an officer in the 72nd Pennsylvania Regiment. Transcription copy-2pp. CWVFM-090
Stevenson, James Hunter. Manuscript. Life in the Regular Army: A Narrative of the Exciting Adventures of a United States Cavalry Expedition Across Western Prairies, Desert and Mountains in 1853 - 1856. Typescript-80pp. CWVFM-091
Stockton, Rev. Dr. Stockton's Gettysburg Prayer given at the Opening of the Consecration Services, reburial of the soldiers killed in the Battle of Hanover, June 30th, and Battle of Gettysburg, July 1, 2, and 3. 19 Nov. 1863. Ms-1p. CWVFM-092
Stoke, F. M. Letter to his brother describing the hospitals and the battlefield. General Hospital, Gettysburg, 26 Oct. 1863. ALS-4pp. CWVFM-111-Oversize
Stover, Emma D. Letter to a friend about the death of a war nurse from typhoid fever. Williamsport, Maryland, 9 Dec. 1863. ALS-4pp. CWVFM-118
Surratt, Anna. Letter to Linn Hartranft thanking him for his kind treatment of her mother, Mary Surratt. 11 Aug. 1897. Photograph copy-2pp. CWVFM-093
U.S.S. Monitor vs. C.S. Merrimack. Early 20th Century mimeograph of letter from Samuel Green, Lieutenant and Executive officer on the Monitor to his mother about the battle between the Monitor and the Merrimack. 14 Mar. 1862. 25pp. CWVFM-098
Uniform Requisition. Special Requisition, No. 40, Capt. Tomas Towson, clothing for Company A, 9th Virginia Cavalry, 24 Dec. 1862. Ms-1p. CWVFM-094
United States Christian Commission. Personal identifier (dog-tag) supplied by the United States Christian Commission. 1 item. CWVFM-095
United States Christian Commission. Manuscript diary, US Christian Commission in the Civil War, dated 22 May 1864 - 7 July 1864, written by a Chaplain in the US Christian Commission (possibly Joseph Alben) traveling with the Union Army during the Civil War. Entries describe his work as a Chaplain in Louisville, Kentucky and Nashville. Diary includes a small photograph of a soldier in uniform, signed T. L. Jenkins. AMs-77pp. CWVFM-129
Wall, Allen Sgt. Veterans records, marriage certificate, death certificates and transcript of Wall's diary. Wall was a Sergeant in Co. F of the 155th Pennsylvania Regiment. CWVFM-100
Walters, Charles C. Captain of the 7th Calvary. Several letters written while in encampment in VA, 1862, as well as 2 obituaries and a carte de visite. ALS-7pp. CWVFM-133
Warner, Charles. Transcripts of Civil War letters sent by ‘Charlie’ Warner, a private in the 145th Regiment New York State Volunteers to his parents from September, 1862 – December, 1863. TMs 150 pp. CWVFM-145
Whitman, Walt. Walt Whitman Newsletter, 1956. Also advertisements for a printing of Leaves of Grass. CWVFM-101
Whitney, H.L. Jr. Letter describing life inside the barracks and potential campaigns. Whitney was a soldier in the 44th Massachusetts infantry. 16 Jan. 1862. ALS-6pp. CWVFM-102
Wilder, Edwin. Exemption Certificates for Edwin Wilder 2nd, of Hingham, Massachusetts. 12 Sep. 1862 and 20 July 1863. 2 D-2pp. CWVFM-115
Wilder, Theodore. Diary, April 1861 through July 1983. Typescript, the original of which is held by the Oberlin College Library. Wilder also wrote a hard to find monograph entitled “The History of Company C, Seventy Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry,” published by John B.T. Marsh, in 1866. TS-43pp. CWVFM-103
Williams, Hiram. Letters and documents, 1864, Co. H, 198th Pennsylvania Volunteer Regiment. Williams, who had previously served with the 10th Pennsylvania Militia Regiment in 1862, was wounded at Appomattox Courthouse a few hours before surrender. CWVFM-104
Womack, John A. Copy of Womack's record of service. Ms-8pp. Also a bound volume of the 1845 Patient Office Report from the Philomathaean Society library containing signatures of Confederate Soldiers. CWVFM-014
Woodward, Edward. Two poems by Woodward, a Civil War veteran. One, untitled, about Memorial Day and one about the Fall, “Woman's Sin Was a Blessing.” Includes some information about Woodward. Ms-2pp. CWVFM-106
Writ of Habeas Corpus. State of Maryland vs. Peter Brockhaus. 9 Nov. 1964. D-2pp. CWVFM-117