This page provides information on how to access your pay statement and explains withholding of various taxes from your income.
For questions on this topic contact 717-337-6216
To Related Forms:
W-4 Form - 2024 (PDF)
- PeopleSoft Self Service is the primary distribution method for pay statements. See instructions below for accessing PeopleSoft Self-Service.
- An email is sent each payday with login instructions for PeopleSoft Self Service.
- Only those employees choosing the option of “send a paper copy” within PeopleSoft Self Service will receive a pay statement in campus mail.
- Log in to People Soft with your College User ID and Password. (For employees new to the College's network, your User ID = First letter of first name and up to seven letters of last name. For your initial password, please contact the IT Helpdesk at x7000 option 2 for assistance).
- Go to Self Service-Employee Campus and Payroll-View Paycheck.
- Pay statements are available via campus mail by making a one-time election to change the print option in PeopleSoft.
- Log into PeopleSoft
- Go to Self Service-Payroll-Direct Deposit
- Select Pay Statement Print Option
- Select “Send a paper copy of direct deposit pay statement to my campus box” and submit
- If at any time you choose to change your print preferences follow the same instructions above, selecting “Do not send a paper copy of the direct deposit pay statement to my campus box” and click Submit.
The Payroll Office cannot provide tax advice to employees. For tax assistance, visit the IRS website or seek private tax counsel.
Gettysburg College is required to withhold and remit to the proper agengies the following taxes (all taxes may not be applicable to all employees).
Federal Withholding
Federal Income Tax withheld on your paycheck based on the IRS graduated withholding table and the number of allowances claimed on Form W-4. When you claim zero allowances on your Form W-4, more taxes will be withheld throughout the year. If you claim one allowance, less taxes will be withheld from your paycheck.
Federal SS/EE
Old Age Survivors Disability Insurance portion of social security tax. It is currently 6.2% of taxable wages. Students pay this tax only during the non-academic year.
Federal OASDI/EE
Medicare portion of social security tax. It is currently 1.45% of taxable wages. Students pay this tax only during the non-academic year.
PA Unempl EE
Unemployment tax withheld from all non-student employees at a rate of .07% of gross wages. Students do not pay this tax.
PA Withholding
Pennsylvania State Income Tax currently 3.07% of taxable wages. PA tax is withheld from all employees unless an employee resides in Maryland or Virginia. The College is registered with Maryland and Virginia to withhold respective state tax for resident employees.
MD Withholding
Maryland State and Local Income tax is currently withheld as one net amount. The amount varies based on the exemptions claimed and the county in which an employee resides.
VA Withholding
Virginia State income tax withholding is withheld on a graduated basis.
NJ Withholding
New Jersey residents have the option to complete form NJ-W4 but are not required to. For tax purposes, the number of exemptions claimed, by the employee, on the Federal Form W-4 will be used if a NJ-W4 is not filed.
Local Withholding
Local income tax withholding for employees living in the state of PA is listed on pay statements according to the borough/township and School District indicated on the local tax form completed by each employee.
PA OS Adams Withholding
Local withholding for anyone not living within Pennsylvania (unless you are from Maryland). The withholding rate is 1% of local taxable wages.
Under House Bill 197, the Pennsylvania Legislature created the Emergency and Municipal Services Tax. Gettysburg Borough has enacted this tax at the full rate of $52. This tax is withheld at a rate of $2.00 per pay from all employees.
- The IRS requires employers to encourage employees to review and make any necessary changes to their Form W-4 (Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate) annually. This review will help you determine if your filing status and/or number of withholding allowances will need to change for the new tax year.
- To review your current W-4 tax status, look in the tax data box on your pay statement. You can access your pay statement by logging into PeopleSoft and select Self Service/Payroll/View Paycheck.
- The IRS Withholding Calculator may help you in determining whether you need to update your W-4 tax information. and search for “withholding tax calculator.”
- Two options are available to complete form W-4. The two options are paper or online.
- Employees have access to change their Form W-4 information online. Please note, due to timing, your change maybe not be reflective on the next paycheck.
- Please note: Employees with an international address please contact the Payroll Office for assistance. Not all international tax fields are available in self-service.
- Log into PeopleSoft - Self Service – Employee Campus and Payroll – W-4 Tax Information.
- W-4 Tax Data - Enter the requested information
- Claim Exemption - If you meet the conditions listed, and are exempt from withholding, check the box.
- Submit and click ok.